美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-06-16(在线收听

 1. Following a surprise primary election defeat,  House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says he will step down from his leadership role at the end of next month. The Virginia Congressman lost by a wide margin Tuesday to David Brat, a Tea Party-backed  economics professor. A new majority leader will be appointed this summer. 

2. In Las Vegas, surveillance video shows the couple moment after the shooting rampage that killed two police officers and a bystander Sunday. Police believe the shooting was motivated by anti-government attitudes. 
3. Video from an Oregon student shows the high school evacuating following a fatal shooting. A 14-year-old was killed Tuesday when a student opened fire in the boys' locker room before turning the gun on himself.
4. And a Texas home teeter's on the edge of a cliff. Officials say the earth beneath the luxury lake house began to crumble about two weeks ago. The house was quickly condemned and safely evacuated. 