美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-06-17(在线收听

 1. US defense officials say the sergeant Bowe Bergdahl will be transferred to an army base in Texas on Friday. Bergdahl was held in captive by Taliban forces for 5 years before being released in exchange for 5 Taliban detainees at Guantanamo Bay. 

2. Members of the Republican Party are delivering a firm message to President Obama on Iraq as the US prepares to send a new aid to Iraq to slow down violence. Senator John McCain gave an impassioned speech saying the decision for a complete pullout of the US troops was dictated by politics.
3. Brazil’s big day has finally arrived. The highly anticipated World Cup kicks off today with the opening match pitting host country Brazil against Croatia. Well over 3 billion spectators are expected to watch soccer’s premier event.
4. And George H.W. Bush leaped into celebrating his 90th birthday today. The former President made a tandem parachute jump near his summer home in Kennebunkport, Maine. The 41st President did a jump from a helicopter with a retired army parachutist.