美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-06-24(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama says the US is prepared to take targeted military actions in Iraq if they would help fight a growing threat from extremist militants. He also says the US is ready to send as many as 300 military advisers to Iraq.

2. Meanwhile Obama says the country’s newest Medal of Honor recipient should not be alive. But thanks God, he is. Obama says retired corporal “Kyle” Carpenter faced down a grenade to save a fellow marine.
3. House Republicans have made their first change in their leadership since majority leader Eric Cantor unexpectedly lost a primary election last week. They’ve elected California’s Kevin McCarthy to replace him in the No. 2 job in the House. 
4. And this Harley doesn’t emit the trademark rumble. It roars like a jet engine. A motocycle maker has introduced its first ever all-electric bike. But it won’t be on the market anytime soon.