听歌学英语:夏日忧伤 Summertime Sadness(在线收听

听歌学英语:夏日忧伤 Summertime Sadness

"Summertime Sadness"(《夏日忧伤》)来自于Lana Del Rey。出自于其2012年初发表的首张专辑"Born to Die"的第十一首曲目,Lana这样解释自己低沉的声线。“当时人们不把我当做严肃认真的音乐人,所以我就压低声调,我想那样的话我或许就能脱颖而出。”而事实证明果真如此。这首"Summertime Sadness"对于吉他与键盘和弦乐的搭配,很容易让听众联想到六七十年代的美国摇滚乐和迷幻剂,而这位在2012年爆红的新人用其独特的音色把"Summertime Sadness"诠释的很到位,迷人而富有情感的低音,抑或是富有磁性的高音,并不使人觉得冲突,反而美轮美奂。

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby you're the best
I got my red dress on tonight
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight
Got my hair up real big beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feeling alive
Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Oh, my God,
Telephone wires above all sizzling like your stare
Honey I'm on fire I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby you're the best

Kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness.
Hard作为形容词表示“困难的,硬的”等,相信大家很熟悉了。作为副词,hard表示“努力地”,比如说“努力工作”就是work hard。Hard作为副词还可以表示“坚定地,强烈地”。比如:
You need to keep moving ahead hard and confidently.
I got my red dress on tonight., dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight.
His hair was pale and lightless.
She paled at the sight of the blood.
她一看到血就脸色苍白。(at the sight of 一看见…就)

High heels off, I'm feeling alive.
1.high heels 高跟鞋
I only wear high heels on special occasions.
2.alive 活着的,活泼的,有生气的
区分一下alive和living:这两个词都表示“活着的”、“有生命的”(having life)意思,词义相同,但是用法有所不同。Alive是表语形容词,只能放在名词之后。我们只可以说 The old man is still alive,而没有alive old man的表达。Living则既可用作表语形容词,又可用作定语形容词,所以living可以置于名词前,也可置于名词后。比如:
He is the greatest living poet.他是在世的最伟大的诗人。
Shelly was still living 雪莱还活着。
Given the chance to sing on stage,he is very much alive.
This is a lliving fish. 这是一条活鱼。
Living 前加上 the , 表示类别,指“活着的人们”。例如:
The living must finish the work of those dead.
a. alive to 对…注意到〔敏感〕
He is alive to pain. 他对痛很敏感。
I was alive to the importance of the work. 我很清楚这项工作的重要性。
b. come alive 精神为之一振; 活跃起来。
When Mr. Green mentioned money, they came alive. 格林先生一提到钱,他们的精神就为之一振。
Come alive还可以表示“栩栩如生”。
Skillful lighting made the scene come alive.
c. Look alive是一句口语,相当于hurry up,意思是“赶快,快些”。
Look alive!You will miss the bus. 快点!你快赶不上公共汽车了。
d. alive with 相当于full of,意思是“充满”。比如:
The lake is alive with fish. 湖里鱼多得很。
The woods are alive with birds. 树林中到处是鸟。

Telephone wires above all sizzling like your stare.
A snake is sizzling at us.
The vegetables dropped into the boiling oil with a sizzle.
嘶啦一声, 蔬菜被倒进了滚油锅里。
Telephone wires above all sizzling like your stare.
电话线嘶嘶作响 如同你穿透的视线。
