听歌学英语:像我这样的傻瓜 Fools Like Me(在线收听

听歌学英语:像我这样的傻瓜 Fools Like Me

"Fools Like Me"来自于Lisa Loeb。大多数乐迷接触到这位来自德州达拉斯的女创作歌手,都是从她于1993年为电影《四个毕业生》所创作的清新主题曲"Stay"开始的,而此曲也一鸣惊人的蝉联全美流行榜3周冠军,使得她成为第一个拥有全美冠军单曲的无约艺人。

Everybody go
The party's over
I want to be alone in my head
In my bed tonight
You never show
You must really love her
You think I don't know
But I do, yeah it's true
I think over is over
I'm right back where I started
(when it comes to wanting you)
I can't have what I wanted
But I did, I can
I was, I am
Only human, living, dying
Just like any fool who ever breathed
If love is blind
If love's a drug
It always is
It always was and
Love was surely made for fools like me
I know where I'm going
I'm tripping I'm sliding around
That's ok
At least I'm excited
It wasn't how I planned it (wasn't how I planned it
Feet are where I landed
At least I understand it now)
My feet are where I landed(feet are staying on the ground)
Maybe it's the sanest thing
Or just the sweetest kind of dream
But love was surely made for fools
(Love was surely made for fools)
Love was surely made for fools
(Love was surely made for fools)
Love was surely made for fools like me

If love is blind If love's a drug, it always is, it always was.
Blind: adj.盲目的;瞎的;未察觉的。
1. a blind alley 死胡同,绝境
They tried one idea after another, but they all seemed blind alleys.
2. be blind to 对…视而不见
Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their children.
The girls were completely blind to the consequences of their actions.
3. turn a blind eye to 假装看不见
You shouldn't really drink here, but I'm willing to turn my blind eye to it.
I know where I'm going. I'm tripping I'm sliding around.
1. Trip最常见的意思当然就是歌词中的意思了,表示“旅行”。旅行分为pleasure trip和business trip。前者指“以游玩为目的的行程”;而后者business trip则表示“公务旅行,商务旅行”,或者说“出差”。比如:
The company sends me here on a business trip.
2. Field trip指(学生)实地考察旅行。比如:
Where is your class going for a field trip?
3. return trip 回程
On our return trip, it rained heavily.
He tripped on a tree root. 他被一株树根绊倒了。
5. Trip还表示“轻快地走”。比如:
She came tripping down the garden path.
6. 另外trip还可以表示“使犯错,使失言”。比如
The lawyer was trying to trip the witnesses up,ie make them contradict themselves.

Maybe it's the sanest thing or just the sweetest kind of dream.
1. Sane : adj.心智健全的;明智的。歌词中用的sane的最高级sanest。
Jim is not mad; he is as sane as any other normal person.
2. 在sane前面加上in则成为了它的反义词—insane adj.疯狂的;精神错乱的;荒唐的
经典歌曲Right Here Waiting前两句:
Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane.
再比如:He must be insane to drive his car so fast. 他把车开得这么快,一定是疯了。
