听歌学英语:静谧背后的理由 Reason With Me(在线收听

听歌学英语:静谧背后的理由 Reason With Me

来自于著名的爱尔兰流行歌手和歌曲作者Sinead O'Conner。除了音乐以外,她还以反传统的行为(尤其是光头)和有争议性的观点而闻名。她的童年生活充斥着动荡与创伤:从她的音乐生涯开始时,她就是一个富有争议的媒体形象。但是,任何评论都不足以挫伤她对音乐的热情和创造力,她仍然带着独特的风格风靡一时。她的音乐生涯中有过相当低落的时期,但后来她重新回到了流行音乐的道路上,贡献了Universal Mother,这张专辑呈现出崭新的风格--- 不再是轰炸式的宣泄,而是低声细语,婉转亲切, 充满了母性的光辉。

hello ,you don't know me 嘿 你不认识我
but i stole your laptop and took your tv 但我偷了你的笔记本和电视
i sold your granny's rosary for 50 p 我用你奶奶的念珠换了50卢布
and i even pulled an old hijack 我劫持得逞了
said i had a hypodermic in my backpack 说我背包里有注射器
but i was only bluffing 不过我只是吓唬他
oh so long i've been a junkie 噢 我一直是个吸毒者
i ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys 我应该隐瞒它并且管管我的淘气
i really want to mend my ways 我真的想改正我的人生
i'm gonna call that number one of those days 总有一天我会打这个电话
it's not too late 为时不晚
i'm the one who sits in the backroom 我是个封闭的人
i'm the one who don't know how to have fun 我是个不知道如何快乐的人
i'm the one to smoke amiss all aroud me 我是个不正常的人
cause i don't like no one around me 所以我不喜欢身边没人陪
cause if i love someone ,i might lose someone 如果我爱上某个人,或许会失去某个人
if i love someone ,i might lose someone 如果我爱上某个人,或许会失去某个人
oh ,so long i've been a junkie 噢 我一直都是个吸毒者
i ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys 我应该隐瞒它并且管管我的淘气
i really want to mend my ways 我真的想改正我的人生
i'm gonna call that number one of those day 总有一天我会打这个电话
i'm gonna reach a hand out to you 我会向你伸出手
say ,would you pull me up ,now could you 说,我你愿意拉我一把吗,现在你愿意吗?
i don't want to waste the life God gave me 我不想浪费上帝给予我的生命
and i don't think that it's too late to save me 我觉得拯救我为时不晚
it's not too late 为时不晚
reason with me 我的问题
let's reason together 我们一起找答案
reason together 我的问题
let's reason together 我们一起找答案
let's reason together 我们一起找答案
reason with me 我的问题
let's reason together 我们一起找答案
reason with me 我的问题

Hello ,you don't know me,but i stole your laptop and took your TV.I sold your granny's rosary for 50P.
The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop.
He took rosary from his pocket and began to pray silently.
I even pulled an old hijack, said i had a hypodermic in my backpack, but i was only bluffing.
1. Hijack 在歌词里是名词,表示劫持。再比如:
The hijack took place just after the plane took off.
2. Hijack也可以作为动词表示“劫持;劫机”。比如:
They planned to hijack a plane.
3. Hypodermic:皮下注射器。Hypo是一个前缀,表示“在……下面”,比如说hypothesis意思是“假说,假设”,由hypo+和thesis(论文)合成→在论文之下,也就是说还不是正式的理论,于是hypothesis的意思是“假设,假说”。
4. Derm作为词根则表示皮,譬如说dermal是形容词,表示“皮肤的”。Hypoderm 由构词来看是指在皮下面,这个单词的意思就是皮下组织(hypo在…下面+derm)。歌词中的hypodermic为名词,表示“皮下注射器”,作为形容词则表示皮下注射的。比如:
He was frightened at seeing the hypodermic needle.
5. Bluff做动词表示“虚张声势”,作为名词表示“虚张声势;吓唬”。在口语中我们会经常用到这个单词,用来表示别人夸大其词以蒙骗对方。比如:
You're bluffing.
Is that true or are you just bluffing?

So long i've been a junkie,I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys.
1. Junkie在歌词中表示“有毒瘾者”。再比如:
The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.
2. Junkie用做比喻,表示上瘾的人。比如:
I'm a movie junkie, I just love seeing them!
Wrap up基本意思是“包起来”。比如在书店你买好书了,售货员可能会问你:Do you want me to wrap up the books for you? 要我为您把书包起来吗?
4. 如果在冬天把人的身体包起来那么人就会变得暖和一点儿。Wrap up第二个意思就是“穿暖和”。比如:
If you wrap up in several garments, you will keep warm.
5. 有时候把东西包起来是为了做掩饰,打伪装。Wrap up的第三个意思是“掩饰,伪装”。比如:
She tried to wrap up a censure in a polite formula.
她试图用客套的话掩饰指责之意。(censure n. 责难,责备;polite formula套语,客套话)
6. Monkey 这个单词当然是表示猴子,它有个很少见的用法呢就是作为动词表示胡闹,比如说:
It is dangerous to monkey around in the workshop.

歌词:I'm the one who sits in the backroom. I'm the one who don't know how to have fun.I'm the one to smoke amiss all aroud me.
1. Backroom作为形容词表示“密室中的;幕后的”,歌词中为动词,表示“后房;密室”。
2. Amiss:adj.有毛病的;有缺点的;不合适的。比如:
Everything goes amiss with him,he has certainly bad luck.
