英语流行歌曲:丽莉·艾伦新人实力强 Lily Allen - Everything's Just Won(在线收听

丽莉·艾伦新人实力强 Lily Allen - Everything's Just Won

尽管在音乐工业中,Lily还只是一个新人,但她的性格很叛逆,她把歌坛天后麦当娜看作是被流行乐坛估计过高的人,而且承认自己在13岁的时候就曾经接触毒品,喜欢接受反面邮件等等。这也许就是Lily为什么能够有望在将来和美国音乐人们产生良好合作的原因,因为她有一个非常开放的思想和自我。相信这张真正迈入了流行乐坛的新专辑,能够让Lily Allen继续在英国乃至全球乐坛上成功发展下去。

Lily Allen - Everything's Just Wonderful

Do you think, everything, everyone, is going mental,
It seems to me that it's spiraling outta control and it's inevitable,
Now don't you think,
This time is yours, this time is mine,
Its temperamental,
It seems to me, we're on all fours,
Crawling on our knees,
Someone help us please

Oh Jesus Christ almighty,
Do I feel alright? No not slightly,
I wanna get a flat I know I can't afford it,
It's just the bureaucrats who won't give me a mortgage,
Well it's very funny cos I got your fucking money,
And I'm never gonna get it just because of my bad credit
Oh well I guess I mustn't grumble,
I suppose that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

Oh yeah, I'm fine,
Everything's just wonderful,
I'm having the time of my life.

Don't you want something else,
Something new, than what we've got here,
And don't you feel it's all the same,
Some sick game and it's not insincere,
I wish I could change the ways of the world,
Make it a nice place
Until that day, I guess we stay,
Doing what we do
Screwing who we screw

Why can't I sleep at night,
Don't say it's gonna be alright,
I wanna be able to eat spaghetti bolognaise,
and not feel bad about it for days and days and days.
In the magazines they talk about weight loss,
If I buy those jeans I can look like Kate Moss,
Oh no it's not the life I chose,
But I guess that's the way that things go,

[Chorus x2]

Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba [etc.]

Oh Jesus Christ almighty,
Do I feel alright? No not slightly,
I wanna get a flat I know I can't afford it,
It's just the bureaucrats who won't give me a mortgage,
Well it's very funny cos I got your fucking money,
And I'm never gonna get it just because of my bad credit
Oh well I guess I mustn't grumble,
I suppose that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

[Chorus x2]
