英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2014-05-23(在线收听

 The army in Tailand has stated a crew suspending the constitution and desolving the government.In its T address,the country's army chief is following to restore peace and impose political reforms.TB broadcasting his suspender and political gatherings have been baned.

The lastest report on the diginital reform shows average primary school students are cathing up with the xx digenous classmates,it's one of the few in the bright spots in the reports the council of Australian governments.The report also found the employment gap has widened and there is being little progress in health or life expectancy.
Police xxx of potesters who tried to disrupt deliberal party Sdyney University last night,the event was attended by the education minister C and the senator Gorge.The government says it is pushing ahead with plans to deregulate course fees in 2016,despite the recent protests.
In Egypt,the trial of three detained Axx is including the Australian P.G has once again being a xxx,the latest theory was supposed to be devoted to the defense,but instead was high jaked by the prosecution.The next session on June 1 is expected to finally here the defense case.
And the built-in US government Bomb collection of T records have cleared the house of representives there,it's the first response to the xxx by the former MSA contract xxx xxx the will end Bomb collection and storage for five years and information on course made by millions of Americans.