自考英语(二)60讲 Lesson 34(在线收听


  1.       They also load and unload hot, heavy metal forms used in machines casting automobile and truck frames.
  2.       Robots, already taking over human tasks in the automotive field, are beginning to be seen, although to a lesser degree, in other industries as well.
  ___ (can reprogram)
  in that / now that / so that /
  3.       As an example, a robot __ (do) spot welding one month can be reprogrammed and switched to spray painting the next.
  4.       With the ability __ (see), robots can identify and inspect one specific class of objects out of a stack of different kinds of materials.
  5.       When light from an object such as a machine part strikes the camera, the sensitive materials measure the intensity of light and convert the light rays into a range of numbers.  
  6.       The numbers are part of a grayscale system in which brightness __ (measure) in a range of values.

