

'Ivory Tower' Explores Crushing Cost of US College Education 象牙塔探讨美国大学教育的沉重成本

It's a hot, muggy day at Port City Brewery in Old Town Alexandria, just a stone's throw from Washington D.C., but the heat does not slow down Brandon Attilis, a college student who spends summers working for extra cash.

距离华盛顿特区仅一步之遥的老城亚历山大港口城市啤酒厂迎来了闷热潮湿的一天, 但这种酷热难耐的天气并没有阻挡大学生布兰登·阿特里斯利用暑假打工赚取额外收入的热情。

The money will come in handy when he is away at college renting a house with two of his friends.


“My parents are paying the cost of the house, but I'm paying utilities.So, between the two, it's still less expensive than actually living in the dorms.”

“我的父母会付房费,但我要付各种设施的费用。相比之下, 实际上还是住宿舍要便宜些。”

Brandon has a lot going for him. He has a good work ethic, brains and pre-paid college tuition.


“We took care of four years of college education for less than a year's costs in today's market.”



She says she and her husband began saving money for college tuition shortly after each of their children was born. But most college students today are not as lucky.


Andrew Rossi's new documentary, Ivory Tower, shows American college students drowning in debt.


“We see that college tuition has increased by about 1,100 percent since 1978 to today."


That's due to many factors, including less government support for higher education because of tighter budgets. Once students graduate, Rossi says half are either unemployed or underemployed. His documentary shows that the tough job market does not deter colleges from hiking tuition fees.


"There are certainly those who can argue that certain Ivy league schools have a brand associated with them that might be worth paying a premium for."


In their effort to entice students and to raise their prestige, colleges build impressive campuses and students end up paying for those construction costs.


Chris Attilis experienced this firsthand when she visited campuses with Brandon.


“They put on a good show.And walking through and looking at the granite sinks in the bathrooms I'm thinking,This is not what it was looking like when I went to school.And we had a conversation saying We're paying to send you to a country club."


According to Ivory Tower, many students choose not to pursue a college education because of the unsustainable costs. Some try online education, but Brandon notes that is not for everyone.


“You have to be a real hard worker, you have to really want it."


Brandon is thankful he is getting an education without going into debt. He feels life is already like an assembly line, where he has to tackle everything coming his way-getting a business degree, building up job experience to have an impressive resume so that one day, he hopes, he can have a career and a family without the staggering debt from the ivory towers of higher education.

