Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-03-20(在线收听

Possible debris field found in southern Indian Ocean
A French satellite scanning the southern Indian Ocean for remains of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has found a possible debris field containing over 120 objects.
As such, search for the missing jetliner is expected to be streamlined even further.
The new images captured by French satellites are in roughly the same area where Australian and Chinese air searches have spotted three large objects.
Three Chinese warships have now reached the region, joining the multinational air searches led by Australia.
More Chinese military and civilian vessels are also on the way.
Chinese, French presidents hold talks in Paris
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sat down for talks with French President Francois Hollande in Paris.
The two are said to have discussed issues of common concern and the two country's bilateral ties.
Xi Jinping is in France to help commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France.
This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides.
As part of his time in France, Xi Jinping is expected to sign a number of agreements in areas, including nuclear energy, aviation, urbanization, argiculture and finance.
France is the 2nd leg of the Chinese President's current European trip, which will also see him make stops in Germany and Belgium.
Xi Jinping began his trip in the Netherlands.
Kiev claims 6 Ukrainian militaries captured in Crimea
The Ukrainian Defense Ministry says at least 6 Ukrainian military officers have been taken captive in Crimea.
Those being held are said to include five officers and one general.
Ukranian authorities say they don't yet know where the soldiers are being held.
Local media reports earlier in the day on Wednesday suggested that 8 Ukrainian soldiers and 2 civilians were detained by Russian and Crimean armed forces.
Word of this comes as Russian forces take final control of all military installations in Crimea following the withdrawl of Ukrainian troops.
Obama says NATO needs a regular presence in eastern Europe
U.S. President Barack Obama now says NATO needs a regular presence in eastern Europe to help protect countries that feel vulnerable following Russia's annexation of Crimea.
Obama made the comment following a meeting with EU leaders in Brussels.
"One thing that I have had suggested to the heads of states and governments that are NATO members is that we examine those plans to make sure they are updated that we do more to ensure that a regular NATO presence among some of these states that may feel vulnerable is executed. I think there are ways that we do that that can be accommodated by our existing assets."
Obama is also voicing concern about declining military budgets among certian NATO countries.
Obama and European Union leaders also say they're moving to hasten the completion of a Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which is said to be an antidote to Russia's influence in the region and a way to help Europe become less dependent on Moscow for energy.
Egypt's Sisi announces presidential bid
Egypt's military chief is officially running for president.
Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, in making his announcement, has also officially given up his post as the head of the Egyptian military and defense minister.
Al-Sisi has been widely expected to make the move.
He's become widely popular after leading the military movement to ouster former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.
Many political observers in Egypt expect al-Sisi will be able to carry the popular vote to become president when elections are held later this year.
Estonian new gov't takes office
The new government of the Baltic state of Estonia has taken office.
A coalition government headed by 34-year old Taavi Roivas has been sworn in.
Roivas takes over as the country's Prime Minister following the resignation of former Prime Minister Andrus Ansip.
Ansip left his post earlier this year after deciding to take a position within the European Union.
Roivas' new government will hold power until parliamentary elections are held in Estonia early next year.
France foils bomb plot in Cannes: media
It's being reported French anti-terrorism police foiled an "imminent" bomb attack in the southern city of Cannes last month.
A young suspect was arrested after police discovered bomb-making materials in an apartment in Cannes.
A local news channel in Cannes is reporting the 23-year old suspect is a jihadist who recently returned to France from fighting in Syria.
The suspect is said to be part of a terrorist cell which targeted a Jewish shop in a bombing north of Paris in 2012.
France has been the target of a growing number of terrorist attacks and plots, particularly after the country took the lead in fighting jihadists which had taken control of northern Mali in 2012.
British teachers strike against "unfair" pay, pension system
Schools across Britian are expected to return to normal classes today, following a nation-wide strike by teachers on Wednesday.
Thousands of schools across the UK were shut down yesterday amid a one-day strike by the National Union of Teachers.
The teachers walked off the job enmasse to protest, what they feel, are excessive workloads, an unfair pension arrangement and an unwanted pay system.
Marches and rallies took place in some 30-cities around the UK.
Britian's Education Minister is on-record saying the current pay and pension structures are "fixed" for teachers.
