Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-04-02(在线收听

Chinese President Xi Jinping has closed his four-nation European trip with a speech at the College of Europe in Belgium, calling for greater friendship and cooperation between all sides.
He told European leaders that four "bridges" of peace, growth, reform, and progress of civilization need to be built between China and the European continent in order to forward the relationship.
President Xi says peace, multilateralism, and dialogue are needed instead of war, unilateralism, and confrontation.
He also gave the assembled leaders an update on the profound changes underway right now in China, adding that reforms in the country have entered what he calls "a deep-water zone."
The President also characterized the changes underway in China as being part of a process that will never stop.
Xi stated that China is on its own path and copying other political models or methods of development is not an option.
Belgium was the last stop on President Xi's four-nation European tour, including stops in the Netherlands, France, and Germany. He is scheduled to be back in China today.
China highly concerned about Japan's changes in military policy
The Chinese government has released a new statement, saying it's paying great attention to Japan's easing of its weapons export restriction.
The statement follows a move by the Japanese government to relax its decades-old ban on military-related exports.
The move by Tokyo represents the first major change in Japan's defense export policy in nearly half a century.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei.
"Japan's change in its military policy is related to regional security and strategic stability, and is also related to Japan's future path. China is highly concerned by the move. We call on the Japanese authorities to learn from history and listen to the concerns of its neighbours, while at the same time pursuing peaceful development and making moves that are conducive to regional peace."
Observers are suggesting the move by the Japanese government is meant to expand its arms sales into Southeast Asia.
The new guidelines endorsed by the Japanese Cabinet are being viewed as part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to revise the country's broader defense and security policies.
Abe is on-record saying Japan needs to play a larger role in international peacekeeping and defence.
Japanese observers widely expect the Abe administration to push for the elimination of Article-9 of the Japanese Constitution to allow for its military to engage in activities outside the current mandate of self-defense.
US South China Seas Dispute
The Chinese government is warning the United States to remain neutral when it comes to disputes in the South China Sea.
This move follows a statement from the US State Department this week, appearing to support the Philippine government's move to take the dispute over Ren'ai Reef and the broader Nansha Islands to an international arbitration panel at The Hague.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hong Lei says the Philippine side is the trouble maker in this case, urging the US to stick to its commitment to contribute to regional peace and stability in southeast Asia.
The US side says all countries should respect the right of any state to avail itself to any dispute-resolution measure uner the UN convention on the Law of the Sea.
The territorial dispute heated up over the weekend when Philippine boat defied Chinese orders not to land on the reef.
It's the same spot where the Philippines navy grounded a warship in 1999 in an attempt to lay claim to the reef.
Palestinians to resume bid to win further UN recognition
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has signed applications to 15 UN agencies and conventions in a bid to win further United Nations recognition.
Abbas says he is compelled to take the action as Israel has failed to carry out a promised release of veteran Palestinian prisoners.
Abbas says he is still interested in negotiating a deal with Israel on the terms of Palestinian statehood.
The move comes after the United States failed to convince Israel to release the remaining 26 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.
Earlier, as part of the peace talks, Abbas agreed to suspend his UN bid, while Israel was to release 104 Palestinian prisoners in four stages.
But Israel refused to release the final group of prisoners unless the Palestinians agreed to extend the ongoing peace talks which have been set to end later this month.
NATO seeks closer cooperation with Ukraine
NATO has announced new measures to intensify cooperation with Ukriane, and suspend all practical civilian and military cooperation with Russia.
A statement from the organization states that NATO wants to help promote Ukraine's defense reforms.
Additional experts are to be sent to Kiev, adding to the two liason officers already stationed there.
By cutting practical cooperation with Russia, NATO says political dialogue will have to continue only at the ambassadorial level.
NATO plans to review its relations with Russia in June.
Russia seeks deeper defense cooperation with Belarus after Ukraine crisis
Russia is seeking deeper defense industry cooperation with neighbouring Belarus, following the recent developments in Ukraine.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin confirmed this on Tuesday during talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.
The Deputy PM called Ukraine "a very painful topic," adding that the groundwork being laid out on the Ukrainian side is akin to "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
President Lukashenko stated "we don't quite like the situation that is developing around us."
He added that means his country must be closer to Russia, and in any situation Belarus will side with Moscow.
