Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-04-07(在线收听

Chinese and Australian vessels detect acoustic signals
Naval vessels carrying deep-sea black box detectors are rushing to an area where Chinese and Australian ships detected acoustic signals, the latest lead in the hunt for missing flight MH370.
But officials say they can't confirm that the signals that have been detected come from the flight recorders that were aboard the missing flight.
On Friday, Chinese vessel Haixun 01 detected a signal at 37.5 kilohertz, the same frequency emitted by flight data recorders like the one aboard MH370.
The vessel detected the signal again for about 90 seconds on Saturday just 2km away from the original spot.
Later on Sunday, Australian navy vessel Ocean Shield detected a separate acoustic signal in its search location.
The signal was detected about 300 nautical miles away from the one picked up by the Chinese crew.
Iran, powers likely to draft final nuclear deal next month: official/xinhua
Iran and several world powers could begin drafting a final nuclear agreement as early as next months.
Iranian Deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi made the remarks followed a three-day nuclear experts meeting, which concluded in Vienna over the weekend.
Araqchi has also indicated that the Arak heavy water plant and Iran's uranium enrichment activities will be among the topics during the next round of bargaining.
Nuclear experts from Iran and the P5+1 group, namely Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States plus Germany attended the meeting.
Western powers have been demanding Iran significantly scale-back its nuclear program, while Iran is demanding sanctions relief.
Netanyahu says Palestinians have "much to lose" by acting unilaterally
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country will react with "unilateral" measures against recent steps by the Palestinian government to approach the United Nations.
The Palestinians announced that they would seek greater international recognition by signing up to 15 UN treaties and conventions.
The move came as a response to Israel's refusal to release a group of Palestinian prisoners, as promised.
Following that, Israel's chief negotiator in the peace talks with the Palestinians said the talks are in crisis but must continue.
The US government openly expressed its frustration at the lack of progress being made in its mediated negotiations.
The current Middle East peace talks began last summer with an end-of-April target for a deal to be reached.
Vote counted as Afghanistan completes presidential election
The votes are being counted following this weekend's presidential election in Afghanistan.
Officials say voter turnout was at about 60-percent. The higher-than-expected rate comes despite threats from the Taliban to disrupt the election.
There are three front-runners in the race, including two former Afghan foreign ministers and a former official from the world bank.
If one of them gets 50-percent of the vote plus one, the election is over.
A second round of voting between the top two finishers will be held if there is no first-round winner.
Preliminary results are expected to be out later this month and the final result will be announced in mid May.
Hungary polls close, incumbent Fidesz party expected to win
Exit polls indicate victory for Hungary's incumbent conservative government led by the Fidesz Party, and its small ally the Christian Democrats.
Polls closed at 7pm on Sunday local time.
The exit poll found 48 percent support for the current government, while 27 percent have voted for the leading opposition group, a left-wing coalition.
Hungry's far-right Jobbik Party received support from 18 percent of voters, while the green LMP received 6 percent.
A new electoral system made its debut, with the number of seats in Parliament being cut from 386 down to 199, and the two-round election system scaled back to just one.
The US announced to deploy two more destroyers to Japan by 2017
The US will send two more ballistic missile defense destroyers to Japan by 2017.
The announcement has been made by US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
The move is designed to bolster Japan's defenses against the threat of a missile attack from North Korea.
Hagel calls it a response to Pyongyang's provocative and destabalizing actions, including missile tests that are in violation of UN Security Council resolutions.
Hagel is on a 10-day trip across the Asia-Pacific region.
Blaze kills 10 at nursuing home in Chile
A fire at a nursing home in Chile has killed ten people, including nine residents.
The nursing home is located some 870 kilometres south of the Chilean capital, Santiago.
Police say neighbours were able to rescue three people, but all others, including a caretaker, died in the blaze because the nursing home had locked patients inside their rooms.
Most of the twelve patients at the nursing home lived with disabilities and mental illnesses.
The cause of the blaze is under investigation.
Nigeria becomes Africa's biggest economy: official data/xinhua
Nigeria has overtaken South Africa as Africa's biggest economy.
That's according to official numbers regarding Nigeria's gross domestic product.
The country is Africa's largest oil producer and the newly-released numbers show it is now the 26th largest economy globally.
