Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll,艺名Shakira,出生于1977年2月2日,是一名哥伦比亚籍的创作歌手、音乐制作人、舞者、舞蹈编导以及模特。在Barranquilla长大的Shakira,上学时就展现了在拉丁舞、阿拉伯以及摇滚和肚皮舞这方面的天赋。其在2001年发布的第五张专辑Laundry Service为其打开了进军英语市场的大门,这张专辑在世界范围内大卖了2千多万张。其中的首打单曲"Whenever, Wherever" (爱相随)作为一首具有突破性的热曲,直升美国公告牌百强单曲榜排名第六,几乎是在一夜之间,Shakira成为了英语国家的一名歌坛巨星。

Lucky you were born that far away 幸运的是你出生在远方
So we could both make fun of distance 所以我们之间有段美丽的距离
Lucky that I love a foreign man for 幸运的是我爱上了外国的你
The lucky fact of your existence 你的存在就是我的幸运
Baby I would climb the Andes solely 亲爱的我将独自攀登安地山
To count the freckles on your body 去数你身上的斑点
Never could imagine there were only 从没想到爱有
So many ways to love somebody 这么多方式

Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le
Can't you see...I'm at your feet 你没看到我就在你的脚下

Whenever, Wherever 无论何时无论何地
We're meant to be together 我们都会在一起
I'll be there and you'll be near 我会在那里你会在我身边
And that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢
You're over, you're under 你是主宰
You'll never have to wonder 你永远不需要惊奇
We can always play by ear 我们总是可以视情况而定
But that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢

Lucky that my lips not only mumble 幸运的是我的双唇不仅能温柔软语
they spill kisses like a fountain 还有吻如泉涌
Lucky that my breasts are small and humble 幸运的是我的双峰小巧柔软
So you don't confuse them with mountains 所以你不会混为山峰
Lucky I have strong legs like my mother 幸运的是我有像母亲一样强壮的双腿

To run for cover when I need it 当我需要时可以帮我奔跑躲藏
And these two eyes are for no other 我的双眼只为
The day you leave will cry a river 你离开时泪流成河

Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le

At your feet...I'm at your feet 在你脚下我就在你的脚下

Whenever, Wherever 无论何时无论何地
We're meant to be together 我们都会在一起
I'll be there and you'll be near 我会在那里你会在我身边
And that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢
You're over, you're under 你是主宰
You'll never have to wonder 你永远不需要惊奇
We can always play by ear 我们总是可以视情况而定
But that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢

Le ro lo le lo le
Le ro lo le lo le
We can fly, say it again 我们能够飞翔再说一次

Le ro lo le lo le lo le(zuochamo)

Tell me one more time 再告诉我一次
That you're there 你在那儿
Lost in my eyes 迷失在我眼中

Whenever, Wherever 无论何时无论何地
We're meant to be together 我们都会在一起
I'll be there and you'll be near 我会在那里你会在我身边
And that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢
You're over, you're under 你是主宰
You'll never have to wonder 你永远不需要惊奇
We can always play by ear 我们总是可以视情况而定
But that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢

Whenever, Wherever 无论何时无论何地
We're meant to be together 我们都会在一起
I'll be there and you'll be near 我会在那里你会在我身边
And that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢
You're over, you're under 你是主宰
You'll never have to wonder 你永远不需要惊奇
We can always play by ear 我们总是怎么样都行
But that's the deal my dear 亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢


"Whenever, Wherever" is recognized as one of Shakira's signature songs. Obviously, it has kind of an exotic tint to it. Love it! Let's see what we can learn from its lyrics:《爱相随》被认为是Shakira标志性的歌曲之一,其中的异国风情也是很明显的。大爱这首歌。来看看我们能从歌词中学到点什么:

1.So we could both make fun of distance.所以我们之间有段美丽的距离(不需要把距离太当回事儿,完全可以当作好玩儿的事情来对待)。
This line means, ‘we don't need to take distance seriously. We can totally joke about it!’歌词So we could both make fun of distance的意思是‘不需要把距离太当回事儿,完全可以当作好玩儿的事情来对待’。
And the phrase‘make fun of sb/sth'means:poke fun at , tease 取笑;嘲笑
Do not make fun of anyone for any reason.不要因为任何原因去取笑别人。

2.And that's the deal my dear.亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢。
Here,the sentence means‘that's what we have between us/that's what our relationship is like’.这里这句话的意思是‘我们之间就是这样的呢/这就是我们恋爱的写照’。
Let's look at a phrase related to the word ‘deal’:done deal,1)another way of saying "consider it done" or good to go ;over; finished; 来看一个跟单词deal相关的表达:done deal,它是‘木已成舟;既成事实;生米煮成熟饭’的另外一种表达。例如:
"I checked with the agent about our free trip to New York, she told me it's a done deal!" 免费去纽约旅行的事情,我跟他们的人员核实过了。她说是没问题的。
"Stephanie said that its now a done deal between her and Rob - after their 15th breakup!""经历了15次分手后,Stephanie 说这次她与Rob之间是真的完蛋了。

3.We can always play by ear 我们总是可以视情况而定。
Here,the vocalist is saying that things between her and her man can be flexible.There's no fixed plan.这句话,歌者实际是在说,她和恋人之间的一切都可以具有弹性,并没有不可以改变的计划。
The phrase ‘play by ear’means: To see how things go and act accordingly.短语play by ear指的是‘视情况而定;见机行事; 看情形而定'。例如:
Let's play it by ear, okay? 让我们见机行事好吗?
Since we're all unsure of what to expect from the new boss, we should just play by ear.因为不是很清楚新老板怎么样,我们应该见机行事。

4.Baby I would climb the Andes solely 亲爱的我将独自攀登安地山。Look at the word
solely: 1),without aid or support独自地(没有外援)
You undertook that project solely on your own, and you will finish it likewise.你独自揽下了那个项目,你当然得独自去完成!
2)for nothing other than仅仅
I fight solely for my country, not for money!我战斗只是为了我的国家而不是为了钱!

5.And these two eyes are for no other,the day you leave will cry a river.我的双眼只为你离开时泪流成河
cry a river:cry a lot,shed a lot of tears.泪流成河
Let's look at our last but most interesting sentence: If someone you love hurts you, cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it. 如果你爱的人伤你让你泪流成河,那么建一座桥,然后离开。

Whenever, Wherever,I'll be there and you'll be near. And that's the deal my dear. 无论何时无论何地,我会在你会在我身边,亲爱的,就是这么回事儿呢。
