面试英语口语脱口而出 第11期:规章制度(在线收听

   1.Can I ask you what the office rules are?

  2.Is it from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon?
  3.Do I have to wear ear muffs and gloves?
  4.What are the filing rules?
  5.Is there any other regulations that I should know?
  6.Is there any regulations about invoice?
  7.All the documents must be filed alphabetically.
  8.Be careful about things and do not throw things about.
  9.An agenda should be drafted before the meeting.
  10.After the meeting, compile a meeting minute and have it typed up on the laser printer.
  Dialogue 1
  对话一A: Can I ask you what the office rules are?
  A: 你可以告诉我一些办公室制度吗?
  B: Yes, do you know the nine to five timetable?
  B: 可以。你知道“朝九晚五”的说法吗?
  A: Is it from 9:00 to 12:00 in the morning and 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon?
  A: 工作时间是上午9点到12点,下午1点到5点,对吗?
  B: Yes, you are right.
  B: 是的,说的没错。
  Dialogue 2
  A: The operation in the lab is radioactive and dangerous, so work with care. Have you got ear muffs a
  nd gloves?
  A: 实验室的操作环境有辐射,是有危险的。所以要小心操作。你拿到耳套和手套了吗?
  B: Do I have to wear ear muffs and gloves? I am not used to working with them on.
  B: 一定得戴吗?我不习惯戴着耳套和手套工作。
  A: Yes, you have to. It is a safty rule of the company. You could not only lose your job but your hea
  ring if you don't.
  A: 是的,一定得戴。这是公司的安全规定。如果不戴。不但可能丢掉工作,还可能耳聋。
  B: OK.I'll go and get a pair of them.
  B: 好的,我去领一副吧。