新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/07/06(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition
It's Paul James with you on this Wednesday, July 16, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
The BRICS countries have formalized plans for a new development bank and contingency fund.
Hong Kong's chief executive has issued a new report on the potential future of local elections.
Israel is planning to increase its assaults on Gaza after a rejection of a ceasefire proposal by Hamas.
In Business.... a number of SOE's have been tapped for ownership reforms.
In Sports... the quarter finals have been set at the Asia Cup basketball tournament in Wuhan..
In Entertainment... an American family fantasy is set to hit Chinese theatres next month.
First, let's check in with what's happening with the weather....
Beijing will be cloudy in the morning, but expected to thundershowers in the afternoon with a high of 33 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to around 25.
Shanghai will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 33.
Overnight, it will be cloudy with a low of 26.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with a high of 30.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 23.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 32.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 32.
Over to North America.
New York will be overcast today with a high of 28 degrees.
Washington will have slight rain with a high of 29 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 26.
Toronto, Canada, will be cloudy with a high of 21 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 16.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
Top News
BRICS to establish development bank, reserve arrangement
The BRICS countries have confirmed plans for a new development bank and contingency reserve.
The five members of the group -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- have laid out the designs at their two-day summit in Brazil attended by the countries' leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The New Development Bank will be headquartered in Shanghai.
The initial presidency of the bank will be held by an Indian, while the first chairmanship of the bank will be held by a Brazilian.
Each of the BRICS countries is putting in 10-billion US dollars into the bank.
The leaders have also agreed to potentially increase the initial 50-billion to 100-billion in the future.
On top of this, the BRICS leaders have also agreed to set up a 100-billion US dollar contingency reserve to cushion against possible tightening of global liquidity.
For more on the moves, CRI's Shane Bigham spoke earlier with He Ping, Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management with Tsinghua University.
(Q&A with heping)
He Ping, Associate Professor at Tsinghua's School of Economics and Management, speaking with CRI's Shane Bigham.
BRICS eyes closer partnership
Following their summit in Brazil, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa also pledged to facilitate market inter-linkages, financial integration, infrastructure connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts.
They vowed to advance discussions on the proposals for a BRICS economic cooperation strategy and a framework of BRICS closer economic partnership.
A plan for endorsement for the goals is expected to be worked out by the next BRICS summit.
Report on HK's Constitutional Development Submitted to NPC
Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung has submitted a report to China's top legislature on possible revisions to how the region's chief executive and local legislature will be elected in the future.
The report suggests the mainstream opinion is that only the Nominating Committee has the power to nominate Chief Executive candidates.
More from CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing.
The report, which focuses on whether there is a need to amend the methods for selecting Hong Kong's chief executive in 2017 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2016, initiates the five-step process of Hong Kong's constitutional development.
While the report does not directly rule out the option of allowing the general electorate to nominate Chief Executive candidates, it stresses that the power of nomination is only vested in a nominating committee and that such power of nomination must not be undermined or bypassed.
The report also points out that the community generally agrees that the future leader must love the country and love Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying says the submission of the report is a historic moment in the constitutional development of Hong Kong.
"We will be able to take a big stride forward in the democratic development of Hong Kong if we are willing to forge consensus as much as we can and leave behind our differences in a rational and pragmatic manner on the remaining work. In about two years, over 5 million eligible voters in Hong Kong could directly elect the Chief Executive through "one person, one vote" for the first time in our history."
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is expected to make an initial decision on Hong Kong's reform path late next month.
The report summarizes the views of the people of Hong Kong regarding electoral reform collected through a five-month public consultation exercise.
Separately, Chief Secretary Carrie Lam briefed legislators on the results of a government public consultation on the 2017 Chief Executive and 2016 Legislative Council polls.
Lam acknowledges the hope of some people for civil nomination, and says the local government will reflect these views to Beijing.
"The HK Government respects the public expressing their opinions via peaceful, rational and lawful channels, in particular their aspiration for universal suffrage for the CE election and their determination to uphold freedom, democracy, the rule of law and other core values. "
After the top legislature made a decision, the Hong Kong government will launch another round of public consultation around the end of the year.
Public views on specific proposals on universal suffrage for the Chief Executive election in 2017 will be selected then.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
Israel vows to expand air strikes as truce fails
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the Israeli military is going to intensify its air strikes in Gaza.
The pronouncement comes on the heels of Hamas rejecting an Egyptian-proposed ceasefire.
CRI's Su Yi has more.
Israel has recorded its first fatality amid the barrage of over a thousand rockets fired from the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli military's Operation Protective Edge last week.
Paramedic Uri Shacham.
"Unfortunately 30 minutes ago an Israeli citizen working near Erez crossing border was hit by shrapnel due to a mortar attack on the crossing, he was severely injured, treated at the scene by paramedics of Magen David Adom and evacuated to Barzilay hospital in Ashkelon where they unfortunately had to pronounce his death."
Israeli forces have resumed air strikes in the Gaza Strip just hours after initially agreeing to an Egyptian-proposed ceasefire deal, which Hamas has rejected.
As a result, Netanyahu says there is no choice but to step up air strikes.
"It would have been preferable to have solved this diplomatically, and this is what we tried to do when we accepted the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire, but Hamas leaves us no choice but to expand and intensify the campaign against it."
The UN Relief and Works Agency in Gaza says the eight-day conflict has killed close to 200 Palestinians and left over a thousand others injured.
The UN body in charge of refugee issues in the Palestinian territory also says the assaults have toppled close to 600 homes.
Life in Gaza has come to a standstill as the civilian casualties continue to mount.
Yasser el Haj lost eight family members in an air strike on his home.
"After losing both my parents and my brothers and sisters, I am now all by myself. I have no one except a sister who is married and lives in Rafah, and that's far away. Life is going to be difficult from now on."
On the diplomatic front, the Chinese government is once again calling for an immediate ceasefire.
Chinese vice Foreign Minister Zhang Ming has made the call during his meetings with Israeli, Palestinian and Arab diplomats in Beijing.
China's Special Envoy for Middle East Affairs, Wu Sike, is set to embark on a mediation trip to the region later on this Wednesday.
Meantime, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is calling on Arab countries to pressure Hamas to accept a ceasefire, saying there is the potential of a "greater escalation of violence".
For CRI, I'm Su Yi.
Iran's Foreign Minister Suggests the Nuclear Talks Extension
Iranian foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif is suggesting nuclear talks with 6 world powers can be extended beyond a July 20th deadline.
"We are hoping still to work as close to the July 20th as possible, but that doesn't mean that if we need, if we see feasibility of extension as well as a useful purpose for extension that we won't be able to exercise that option."
US Secretary of State John Kerry has been suggesting that "tangible progress" has been made in the current round of talks in Vienna.
However, Kerry also admits gaps still remain on a number of key issues.
The nuclear talks in Vienna involving Iran and the P5+1 grouping have been continuing this week ahead of July 20th.
This is when the 6-month interim agreement reached last year will expire.
If it expires without an extension, previous levels of sanctions imposed on Iran will resume.
Jet bombs rebel-held town in Ukraine, killing 11
A fighter jet has reportedly attacked a rebel-held town in eastern Ukraine, leaving 11 dead.
The attack has reportedly hit a residential area in the Donetsk region.
The rebels are pinning the blame on the Ukrainian air force.
"Many local citizens have seen the plane that dropped the bomb. It had Ukrainian markings on it. Why would Ukraine bomb its own territory, it is hard for me to say."
However, Kiev is denying the claim, suggesting the attack may have come from Russia.
Meanwhile, military attaches from 11 countries, including the US and China, have visited a town in the Rostov region of Russia.
This is where Moscow says a shell fired from across the Ukrainian border killed a man on Sunday.
US military attache Bruce McClintock.
"Any kind of violence and loss of life is a tragedy and should be avoided and that's why the United States is interested in peaceful and diplomatic solution to this problem."
There have been reports of Russian troops being moved up to the border following Sunday's incident.
The Russian government has invited European observers to monitor its border with Ukraine.
Japanese opposition leader visits China
The leader of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan, Banri Kaieda, has arrived in Beijing to hold talks with senior Chinese officials.
It is Kaieda's first visit to China since his election as the head of the DPJ in late 2012.
"Sino-Japanese relations must be improved. It is very important to make the first step. A healthy relationship between the two countries is beneficial to both sides. And it goes beyond that. It is beneficial to other Asian countries and beyond, including the United States. So I hope to hold candid talks with the Chinese side."
Kaieda is due to meet with the head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, along with former State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan, who now leads the China-Japan Friendship Association.
Kaieda is expected to express the DPJ's opposition to the Abe administration's move to lift the ban on collective self-defense.
But at the same time, he's also expected to call on the leaders of the two countries to hold a bilateral meeting.
China has been urging Japan to take concrete measures to remove political obstacles that impair bilateral ties to pave the way for a meeting between their leaders.
2 dead, 32 injured in Guangzhou bus explosion
A bus explosion in southern China's Guangzhou city has killed two people and injured 32 others, with eight of them in a critical condition.
The cause of the blast is still being investigated.
The explosion occurred as the fully-packed bus was pulled over at a stop with its doors still open.
Panic-stricken passengers rushed out of the bus as flames engulfed the entire vehicle in a few minutes.
The site of the explosion is on Guangzhou Avenue, a pivotal road linking the northern and southern parts of the city.
Earlier this month, a man was suspected of setting off fire on a bus packed with tourists in the eastern city of Hangzhou, injuring 32 people.
Chinese citizen killed in Moscow metro derailment
The Chinese consulate in Moscow has confirmed that at least one Chinese national is among the over 20 people killed in an accident on the subway system in the Russian capital on Tuesday.
The name of the Chinese citizen has not been revealed.
Three cars on the city's subway system derailed during the height of rush hour yesterday morning, leaving 21 dead and over 200 others injured.
A problem caused by emergency breaking is said to be the reason for the crash.
The crash is being touted as the worst technical accident on the Moscow subway system since it was first established in 1935.
Chinese mainland sets special zone to facilitate trade with Taiwan
A special trading zone has been established to facilitate cross-strait trade between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
The Pingtan Pilot Zone is located in Fujian, which is the province directly across the strait from Taiwan.
Zhou Qingsong is deputy director of the Pingtan Pilot Zone.
"When it comes to the goods entering the mainland from Taiwan and other overseas regions, we are loosening restrictions to allow the free-flow of goods. At the same time, we're eliminating the Value Added Tax and consumption tax on goods coming into the zone. We have also improved our commercial registration system, with more streamlined procedures to offer greater convenience to Taiwan investors."
Income taxes in the Pingtan Zone are also being cut from 25-percent to 15-percent.
Local customs officials have also been ordered to speed up the inspection process to move goods more quickly through the area.
Biz Reports
First off, a check on the closing numbers in the U.S and Europe.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Fei Fei.
U.S. stocks pulled back slightly on Tuesday after Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen raised concerns about "substantially stretched valuations" in certian sectors.
Both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones ended virtually flat.
And the Nasdaq shed half a percent.
European stocks also fell after shares in Portugal's biggest listed bank hit a record low.
Both Britain's FTSE 100 and Germany's DAX dropped around half a percent.
And France's CAC 40 fell over one percent.
Call-in with Ben China names Six SOEs for mixed-ownership reforms
The central authorities here in China have designated six state-owned companies for ownership and management reforms.
The SOEs include the State Development and Investment Corporation, the China National Cereals-Oils-and-Foodstuffs Corporation, China National Building Materials Group, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, Xinxing Cathay International Group and China National Pharmaceutical Group.
Despite earlier speculation, state-owned oil giants Sinopec and CNOOC are not on the list.
Among the six, four of them will be integrated into a mixed-ownership scheme, while the other two will be saddled with a board of directors.
China's GDP growth due to release
China's National Bureau of Statistics is set to announce a new set of economic figures, including GDP growth, later on this morning.
Most observers are expecting the first-half growth to come in at around 7.5-percent.
This would be on-target for the government's full-year growth projections.
GDP growth through the first-quarter came in at 7.4-percent.
1H FDI increases over 2 percent
Foreign direct investment here in China hit 63 billion U.S. dollars through the first half of this year.
This is up over 2-percent year-on-year.
While up, the analysis shows FDI into China from the United States and European Union has declined through the first half.
Shen Danyang with the Ministry of Commerce says the growth of foreign investment is slowing down due to rising costs.
"In the future, foreign investment into China may enter a stage featuring 'adjustment, differentiation, slow growth and steadiness'. Foreign investment into the export-oriented firms and manufacturing industry in the country is declining and, in particular, that into the export-oriented firms will drop further. This is resulted from the comprehensive cost rise."
Though investment from developed countries is declining, the Commerce Ministry says the investment environment in China remains attractive.
Through the past quarter, foreign investors established more than 8-thousand companies, up over 6-percent year-on-year.
China's central bank data shows China's finance provides strong support to economy
New data from the People's Bank of China shows a number of economic indexes have surpassed market expectations during the first half of this year.
Among the new figures, China's total social financing aggregate, a broad measure of liquidity in the economy, has come in at over 10 trillion yuan, or some 1.6 trillion US dollars, through the first half.
This is up 4 percent from a year ago.
New yuan-denominated lending is also up nearly 13 percent year on year.
Sheng Songcheng is the head of Statistics and Analysis with the central bank.
"The financial situation is currently stable in China. There are moderate increases in credit and social financing, as well as an improvement of financing and sufficient liquidity. This has given strong support to the steady and healthy development of the economy."
The National Bureau of Statistics is also due to release this country's GDP growth through the first-half later on today.
U.S. launches anti-dumping, countervailing duty probe against Chinese tires
The U.S. government has launched an anti-dumping and countervailing investigation into imports of certain passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China.
The investigation comes amid allegations Chinese producers and exporters have been receiving improper government subsidies.
The probe covers some 2 billion U.S. dollars worth of Chinese products.
A final decision is due next month.
The new investigation comes on the heels of a WTO ruling last week which determined the US has acted inconsistently with WTO rules in bringing down certain countervailing measures against a number of products from China, including steel products and solar cells.
US retail sales rise slightly in June
U.S. Commerce Department is reporting a slight rise in retail sales through June.
Retail sales through last month have edged up 0.2-percent.
While increasing, this is down from the 0.5-percent rise in retail sales through May.
Retail sales make up around one-third of overall US consumer spending.
Consumer spending makes up around two-thirds of overall GDP growth in the United States.
The US economy contracted nearly 3-percent though the 2nd quarter.
Despite the uptick in retail sales growth, most economists are predicting the US economy will be headed into a technical recession through the next quarter.
Major US banks report mixed profit in Q2
JPMorgan Chase, the largest U.S. bank by assets, is reporting an 8-percent decline in its 2nd quarter profits amid a downturn in consumer stock and bond trading, on top of a decline in mortgage fees.
The bank's net income through Q2 has come in at 6 billion U.S. dollars.
This is down from the 6.5 billion earned a year ago.
But at the same time, Goldman Sachs is reporting better-than-expected profits and revenues through the 2nd quarter, with its net earnings up 5-percent to 2 billion U.S. dollars.
Apple, IBM team up to push iOS to enterprises
Long-time rivals Apple and IBM have announced a partnership to supply wireless devices and business-specific applications.
As part of the agreement, IBM is going to change the name of its mobile business software 'MobileFirst for iOS.'
IBM is also going to start selling iPhones and iPads to its corporate customers.
The deal should allow Apple to gain a large presence in the business world.
Apple has mainly focused its attention on the retail sector.
The new agreement will also see IBM and Apple develop more than 100 industry-specific applications that will run on iPhone and iPads, including applications for security, analyzing corporate data and managing the devices themselves.
Headline News
BRICS to establish development bank, reserve arrangement
The BRICS countries have confirmed plans for a new development bank and contingency reserve.
The five members of the group -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- have laid out the designs at their two-day summit in Brazil.
The New Development Bank will be headquartered in Shanghai.
Each member is putting in an initial 10-billion dollars.
The 50-billion dollar float has the potential to be increased to 100-billion in the future.
At the same time, a new contingency reserve of 100-billion US dollars has also been set-aside to cushion the BRICS member countries from possible global liquidity shortfalls.
Juncker wins EP election as new European Commission chief
The European Parliament has elected Jean-Claude Junker as the new President of the European Commission.
Junker, the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, will take over from Jose Manuel Barroso.
In moving to secure his election, Junker has called for a 300-billion euro investment plan for Europe.
He's also campaigned for a more democratic "troika," namely the EU, IMF and the European Central Bank, which has been responsible for the bailouts of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus.
Junker's election as the new head of the European Commission had been strongly contested by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who considers him too Euro-centric.
U.S., Austria agree to discuss spying allegations
The United States and Austria have agreed to discuss lingering concerns over alleged US spying activities.
The agreement came at the end of a three-day visit to Vienna by US Secretary of State John Kerry.
The Austrian government says it's particularly concerned over alleged CIA moles operating in Germany that were based at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna.
The US has agreed to send experts from relevant departments to clarify the matter.
CNPC ends drilling off Xisha Islands
China National Petroleum Corp. has concluded drilling and exploration off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.
The oil giant says signs of oil and gas were found in the operation and the company will assess the data collected and decide on the next step.
CNPC started drilling two wells in May.
The company has been exploring the area since 2004.
Over 1 million affected in China rainstorms
Rainstorms have lashed central south China for the past two days, affecting over 1 million people and flooding an historical town.
Authorities in Hunan province say over 460 homes have been destroyed and nearly 150 thousand residents relocated.
In Fenghuang County, a major tourist destination, more than 120,000 locals and tourists were evacuated.
Heavy rains have also triggered landslides, which blocked several highways and disrupted train service in Hunan.
Rainstorms also battered neighboring Guizhou Province, flooding 14 counties and districts.
Newspaper Picks
Bus explosion
Two people are dead and 32 others injured after a bus blew up last night in the southern city of Guangzhou.
An explosion ripped through the packed bus during the evening commute on a major road linking the north and south of the city.
8 are said to be in critical condition.
Authorities have not said whether they think terrorism may be a factor.
Airport bomb
An explosion has rocked a parking lot at the main aiport in western Qinghai's capital, Xining, yesterday afternoon.
The bomb was placed in a trash bin.
The explosion injured a member of the aiport's cleaning staff.
Ex-Military chair expelled
A former senior executive of a Chinese state-owned military company has been expelled from the CPC for taking bribes and other "massive" corruption.
The party's discipline inspection commission says Zhang Youren's case has also been sent to judicial authorities for prosecution.
Political advisor under probe
Yang Baohua, a former senior political advisor from the central provine of Hunan is under investigation for alleged bribery-taking.
The central discipline authority says Yang took bribes and committed adultery.
Confidentiality for journalists
China's media watchdog has confirmed that journalists in China are now going to be required to sign confidentiality agreements before getting their media credentials.
Journalists found releasing unofficial information through personal blogs, microblog, or WeChat accounts may face legal action.
Southern rainstorms
More than 50-thousand locals and tourists have been evacuated amid record downpours which have engulfed Fenghuang County in Hunan.
Power supplies in the area have been cut off.
Several scenic spots have also been temporarily closed for safety reasons.
Train trips surge
New travel stats show that almost 106 million trips have made on this country's railway network during the first two weeks of this month.
Rail officials say the travel rush is due to a sharp rise in the number of students who are starting their summer holidays. 
Special Reports
Eco city in Tianjin Binhai
A leading administrator of a joint eco-city project in the Tianjin areas, initiated by the Chinese and Singaporian governments some 7-years ago, is suggesting the project is making huge strides.
CRI's Shen Ting has more.
The eco city project was agreed upon by governments from both sides in 2007 and the construction began one year later.
Zhang Suqiu works at the eco city's administrative committee. She says their goal is to achieve an eco system, in which people could enjoy comfortable living, the economy could have green growth and the environment could be well protected.
"We expect to build the eco city into a place where people, business and nature could live and coexist in harmony. We also hope our experience could be practical and useful to other places."
In the eco city, we can see clean roads, beautiful residential communities and green planting. It is hard to imagine what the area was like before all these were built. Zhang Suqiu recalls.
"In the past, the environment in this area was very bad. We had deserted salt pans, non-arable land with only saline-alkaline, as well as polluted water. The area was short of arable lands and clean water supply."
It is fair to say that the eco city was built with very limited conditions. But people in Binhai did it. They also made the world's first framework of eco city KPI, or Key Performance Indicators, to access local development.
For example, all the buildings must meet the standards of green buildings. To achieve this, the eco city applies construction technology that could cut emission.
Zhang Suqiu elaborates what they want to realize in energy use and transport.
"By 2020, the use of renewable energy is expected to reach 20 percent in total energy use, giving priority to wind and solar power. Also by then, green transport is expected to reach 90 percent in the entire transport system. We will build rail transit and clean energy-fueled public transport network."
Regarding industrial planning, the eco city insists on low-carbon and green economy. The pillar industries are Research and Development, creative and cultural economy and services.
"We have National Animation Industry Park and 3D movie and TV Park. There are also companies doing IT business and research in new energy and new material. These are all clean industries."
In addition to economic development, comfortable and green living is emphasized in the eco city as well. So far, ten thousand residents have settled there and more are expected to come.
CRI's Shen Ting reporting.
FIBA Asia Cup: Iran Beat India 62-49; Japan Beat Indonesia 96-59
In basketball,
The preliminary round in the FIBA Asia Cup here in China has wrapped up.
India went down to Iran 62-49 yesterday.
With the win, Iran joins China at the top of Group A with a record of 3-1.
India finishes the preliminary round at 2-2.
As such, the quarter-finals are now set.
China will take on Singapore in the quarter finals.
Singapore finished the round-robin in Group B with an 0-3 record.
Iran will take on Jordan, who have a 1-2 record in the tournament.
Japan, who finished in Group A at 2-2, will take on Chinese Taipei, who boast a 2-1 record out of the lower group.
And India, who finished at 2-2, will take on an undefeated Philippine squad.
China wins team event at FINA Diving World Cup
A Chinese squad has won the team event at the FINA Diving World Cup in Shanghai.
Chinese divers Huang Xiaohui and Chen Aisen put together three solid dives each to win the title.
Today will see the women's 3-meter springboard synchro and the men's 10-meter platform synchro.
The FINA Diving World Cup runs until Sunday in Shanghai.
Ferrer Recovers to Progress in Hamburg
In tennis,
Action has continued at the Hamburg Open on Tuesday, with both first and second round matches taking place.
Top seed David Ferrer survived an early setback against Mikhail Kukushkin to progress to the third round with a 2-6, 6-3, 6-2 victory.
Rising star Dominic Thiem had to save a match point on his way to a 2-6, 6-3, 7-5 victory over eighth seed Marcel Granollers.
Third seed Tommy Robredo has booked his spot in round three with a 6-2, 7-5 victory over Daniel Gimeno-Traver.
Eleventh seed Santiago Giraldo defeated Benoit Paire.
Lukas Rosol has progressed to the 2nd round after getting past Julian Reister, who retired with an injury.
German wild card Alexander Zverev cruised past veteran Robin Haase 6-0, 6-2.
In the WTA Istanbul Open,
Top-seeded Caroline Wozniacki blew past Switzerland's Belinda Bencic 6-0, 6-0 to reach the second round.
Second seed Roberta Vinci is also through after making short work of American Anna Tatishvili 6-2, 6-2.
Fifth-seeded Slovakian Magdalena Rybarikova has been shown an early exit, going down to Croatian qualifier Ana Konjuh 3-6, 6-3, 6-4.
Chinese Company Takes over Dutch Football Club
A nearly 100-year-old Dutch football club is getting a new Chinese owner.
The purchase of ADO Den Haag by China's United Vansen Sports has been given the green light from municipal officials in The Hague.
United Vansen Sports specializes in organizing international football events in China.
ADO Den Haag, founded in 1905, came in 9th in the Dutch premier league last season.
Liverpool Completes Signing of Lazar Markovic
In off-pitch football news,
Liverpool has signed Serbian forward Lazar Markovic.
No fee has been announced.
However, media reports are suggesting the 20-year-old had been signed from Benfica for 20 million pounds.
Markovic is Liverpool's fourth recruit of the summer transfer window, following the signing of striker Rickie Lambert and midfielders Adam Lallana and Emre Can.
"I want to win titles with Liverpool and I will give 100 percent on the pitch."
Markovic only joined Benfica last year from Partizan Belgrade.
He scored seven goals in 49 appearances for the Lisbon club.
Antonio Conte has left his post as the head coach of Juventus after three years with the club.
Conte's departure comes just a day after the start of the pre-season.
Conte joined Juventus in 2011.
Heat, Wade Agree to 2-Year Deal
In off-season NBA news,
Dwyane Wade has agreed to a two-year contract to stay with the Miami Heat.
Terms of the deal have not been announced.
But it's expected Wade's salary for next season will not reach the $20 plus million he would have made under the terms of his previous contract.
The move will reunite Wade with Chris Bosh, who has reached a reported 5-year deal with the Heat.
Wade opted out of his contract last month, as did former teammate LeBron James, who last week signed with his former club, the Cleveland Cavaliers.
The Minnesota Timberwolves and Golden State Warriors have reopened trade talks for All-Star forward Kevin Love.
The two teams have been going back and forth with proposals involving Love since before the draft.
But the Warriors' reluctance to include shooting guard Klay Thompson in any package to Minnesota had been considered a deal-breaker for the Timberwolves.
The Timberwolves have also been talking to Cleveland, who so far have been unwilling to include Andrew Wiggins in any offer.
Alberto Contador Arrives Back in Madrid to Receive Treatment for Injury
Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador has returned to Madrid after a crash which forced him to withdraw from this year's Tour de France.
Contador broke his shin in the crash on Monday during Stage 10.
He says he hopes to heal in time for an event in Spain in just over a month.
"I want to do it as soon as possible, I want to recover as much as possible. I know it's very difficult to participate on La Vuelta, but I am going to do everything that depends on me."
Doctors who have examined Contador's fracture say the rider isn't likely to require surgery.
"How to Train Your Dragon 2" Gets Mainland Releas Date
("How to Train Your Dragon 2" Trailer)
The U.S. family fantasy hit, "How to Train Your Dragon 2," is coming to China next month.
DreamWorks Animation confirmed yesterday that Chinese authorities have approved the film for an August 14th release here in the mainland, giving the hit sequel a chance to set a blaze across the world's fastest-growing film market.
Since its initial release in early June, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" has raked in more than 350 million U.S. dollars worldwide.
The move also stands as another notch in DreamWorks' working relationship with China.
In March, the company revealed plans for a 2.4-billion-U.S.-dollar entertainment complex to be built in Shanghai.
Likewise, "Kung Fu Panda 3" will be released through Oriental DreamWorks, the studio's Shanghai-based joint-venture with Chinese partners.
Disney Casts Lead for Live-Action Version of "The Jungle Book"
Disney has cast the lead for its live-action adaptation of the 1976 animated classic "The Jungle Book."
The studio says newcomer child-actor Neel Sethi has been picked to play the role of "Mogwli" in the upcoming film.
The 10-year-old New York native was reportedly chosen out of thousands of youngsters from the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and New Zealand.
In a statement, director John Favreau, who is helming the project, says that Neel possesses "tremendous talent and charisma."
Being that Neel will be the only real actor on screen, with the rest of the animal characters being computer generated, a lot will be riding on the young actor.
Favreau says he's confident that Neel "could handle it."
Already on-board to voice the film's CG cast are British actors Ben Kingsley and Idris Elba, along with American actress Scarlett Johansson.
The new live-action version of "The Jungle Book" is set to hit theatres in October, next year.
Alibaba and Lionsgate to Offer Subscription Streaming Service in China
Chinese internet giant Alibaba Group and U.S. film studio Lionsgate are unveiling their collaborative subscription streaming service on the Chinese mainland next month.
Named "Lionsgate Entertainment World," users can sign up for the service exclusively through Alibaba's newest set-top box.
While the service's pricing mechanism has yet to be revealed, productions including "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire," the "Twilight" films, "Divergent" and "Mad Men" will be offered in the package.
The service's content selection will reportedly be expanded after launch.
The service will also offer users exclusive content not available in China, like behind-the-scenes footage and cast interviews.
With the service, Alibaba takes its first step into offering entertainment content.
The move coincides with the e-commerce giant expanding its U.S. imminent initial public offering, saying it could raise up to 15 billion U.S. dollars.
It is now valued at 130 billion U.S. dollars after updating its draft prospectus with the U.S. Security and Exchanges Commission on Friday.
Beijing Galloping Horse Looking for Takeover Bids
Beijing Galloping Horse, one of China's most successful private-sector production companies, is now accepting takeover bids.
Entertainment publication Variety is reporting that a number of suitors are looking to take over the production house, including state-backed equity fund, China Media Capital, and state-owned Shanghai Media Group.
While initial reports by local financial media suggested that Galloping Horse was acquired by Shanghai Media Group, Variety cites a source close to negotiations that says the production house is "maybe two weeks away" from making a decision.
Galloping Horse has produced a slew of TV series and films, including Zhang Yibai's "Eternal Moments" and Ning Hao's "No Man's Land. It's currently working with director John Woo on the 50-million-US-dollar two-part 3D epic, "The Crossing,"
As of late 2013, the company was eyeing an initial public offering or backdoor listing through a takeover of another company. However, plans were derailed when Galloping Horse's founder and CEO, Li Ming, died in January of this year.
Leo Ku Reveals Engagement to Long-Time Assistant
Hong Kong singer and actor, Leo Ku, posted a set of engagement photos with his long-time assistant, Lorraine, to his Weibo on Tuesday.
Ku's contracted company, Hong Kong-based Emperor Entertainment Group, has confirmed the engagement, and said the exact date for wedding ceremony is yet to be released.
Rumors about the 41-year-old actor's relationship with his 45-year-old assistance have been circulated in Chinese media for close to 20 years.
Playhouse version of "Otello" to retake the stage
To commemorate the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birthday, the playhouse version of Verdi's opera "Othello" retakes the stage later this month after its successful debut last year.
This adaptation of Shakespeare's masterpiece is currently under rehearsal in the National Grand Theater. Due to its elaborate performances, "Othello" is considered to be "the most difficult opera."
But performer Wei Song has repeatedly stepped up to the challenge. He shares his experience playing the role with our reporter:
"Playing Othello is very difficult for a tenor. It has treble and bass, but it needs to be explosive.
Although I have played the role for ten years, every time is a great challenge for me."
As to the prospect of the opera, Zhang Liping, the lead actress of the opera says this is a opportunity to show the level of our national opera.
Singer Zhang Liping, who is the opera's leading actress, says she is delighted at the opportunity to showcase the skills of China's opera talent.
"Othello" will stage from Thursday to Sunday.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
The BRICS countries have formalized plans for a new development bank and contingency fund.
Hong Kong's chief executive has issued a new report on the potential future of local elections.
Israel is planning to increase its assaults on Gaza after a rejection of a ceasefire proposal by Hamas.
In Business.... a number of SOE's have been tapped for ownership reforms.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.
