新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/07/16(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Shane Bigham with you this Wednesday, July 16th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
The latest GDP number in China lends hope to the belief that an economic recovery is now underway...
The central government has issued new guidelines that will reduce the fleet of government cars...
And now that the BRICS summit in Brazil is finished... The Chinese President has launched his official state visit in the South American country...
In business, industrial product in China is up..
In sports, the "old" and the "new" shine at the Major League Baseball All Star Game...
In entertainment, the second "How to Train Your Dragon" movie is coming to China...
Beijing will be overcast tonight with a low of 23 degrees Celsius. It will be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 32 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be overcast tonight, with a low of 26, tomorrow cloudy, with a high of 34.
Chongqing will be cloudy tonight, 24 degrees the low, tomorrow cloudy with a high of 34.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, slight rain with a high of 36.
Kabul, sunny, 29.
Over in Australia
Sydney, sunny, high of 18.
Canberra, cloudy,7.
Brisbane, sunny, 19.
And finally, Perth will be sunny with a high of 16.
Top News
China's GDP grows 7.4 percent
China's economy has grown 7.4 percent year on year in the first half of 2014 with more than seven million new jobs created during this period.
The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics reinforces hope that a recovery is underway in the world's second-largest economy.
CRI's Min Rui has more.
The data released by the NBS shows growth in the second quarter stands at 7.5 percent, picking up slightly from the 7.4 percent expansion in the first quarter.
Sheng Laiyun, the NBS spokesman, says the data shows the Chinese economy is enjoying stable and moderate growth.
"About the economic performance in the first half of this year, the general situation has been steady. Structural adjustments achieved stable progress, and the transformation and upgrading of the economy has sound momentum."
Sheng also highlights the encouraging job data, noting that over 7 million new positions have been created in the first six months.
In terms of economic structure, the growth of the tertiary sector has outperformed the primary and secondary industries.
The added value of the tertiary industry accounts for 46.6 percent of GDP.
That is 1.3 percentage points higher than the same period last year.
In this year's work report, the government has said it will maintain an appropriate level of economic growth while improving the quality of GDP and upgrading economic structure.
The report also highlights domestic consumption as the engine of the economy.
The latest economic data shows that consumption contributed 52.4 percent of GDP in the first half, 0.2 percentage points higher than the same period last year.
Sheng says the growth in domestic demand has been boosted by a rise in income.
Per capita disposable income exceeded 10-thousand yuan, an 8.3 percent increase even with inflation factored in, and a number that exceeds GDP growth.
Meanwhile, fixed asset investment, a mainstay of the Chinese economy, climbed 17.3 percent compared with a year earlier.
However, the NBS spokesman warns that the country's economy still faces challenges in a complicated economic environment.
"We can't be over-optimistic about our economy. The economic situation remains very complicated, we will still feel the pain of adjusting our traditional industries for a long time and we still face the pressure of an economic slowdown."
Sheng says China will continue to deepen reform and adjust economic structures to consolidate growth momentum.
China has set a targeted growth of 7.5 percent for 2014.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
QA Shen Hong on half year economic figures
For more on China's economic situation, I earlier spoke to Shen Hong, Shanghai Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal
Back Anchor:
That was Shen Hong, Shanghai Bureau Chief of Wall Street Journal.
And we will have more economic data coming out later on in the biz segment.
China sets timetable to reform gov't vehicle use
China has hammered out a guideline to reform the supply and use of government vehicles in an effort to cut hefty spending.
According to the guideline, China will scrap the use of vehicles in regular government affairs, while keeping those for special services such as law enforcement and emergencies.
In China, officials above a certain level have traditionally been provided a driver and car for their work.
However as many have used the vehicles for private purposes, there have been widespread complaints that officials are wasting public funds.
According to the latest reform, Officials under the vice-ministerial level will not be provided with cars.
The reform is to be completed by the end of this year.
The central government will allocate a "proper amount" in subsidies to public servants to allow them to choose their own means of transportation.
The latest reform in the sector comes amid the country's ongoing frugality campaign.
BRICS Forges Stronger Economic Partnership
Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived Brasilia, capital of Brazil for a state visit.
He's due to meet with a number of Latin American and Caribbean leaders.
Xi Jinping's stay in Brazil has seen him attending the sixth BRICS summit in the city of Fortaleza.
At the summit, leaders from China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa have achieved some agreements in economic front, including the establishment of the BRICS development bank.
CRI's Xie Zhao has more.
The summit operated under the theme of "Inclusive growth: sustainable solutions."
Finance ministers from the BRICS nations signed the deal to create the development bank, and to create a 100-billion dollar contingency reserve fund.
The bank is designed to support infrastructure projects and sustainable development in the five member nations.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff gives more details following the signing.
"The new BRICS development bank should have an initial authorized capital of $100 billion. The initial subscribed capital of $50 billion is to be equally funded among the bank's founding members, the five BRICS countries. The first leader of the board of governors will be from Russia. The first leader of the board of directors will be from Brazil. The first bank president will be from India. The first regional office will be in South Africa. "
The bank , headquartered in Shanghai, will start lending in 2016 and be open to membership by other countries, but the capital share of the BRICS countries cannot drop below 55 percent.
Chinese President Xi Jinping says China will work with other countries to facilitate an early operation of the bank.
"Through concerted efforts from all sides, we have managed to reach a consensus in the creation of the BRICS Development Bank today. This is a result of important and far-reaching significance for our cooperation. And it is also indicative of the political will of BRICS nations for common development. This will not only help increase the voice of BRICS nations in global economy, but also bring benefits to people in the developing countries."
The long-awaited bank is seen as a major achievement of the BRICS countries to press for a bigger say in the global financial order created by Western powers after World War II.
It will help developing countries tap their market potential and diversify exports, and offers more options for them when developing their economies while avoiding risks.
Leaders from the BRICS countries also pledged to facilitate market inter-linkages, financial integration, infrastructure connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has also proposed an idea to increase the energy security of emerging nations.
"In particular, we suggest setting up an energy association of the BRICS countries, and we can also create a reserve fuel bank. This could also consolidate our energy security."
The BRICS members also discussed their stances on issues such as global climate change, cyber-crimes as well as the situation in Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and Somalia, and called for cooperative approach and peaceful solution to those issues.
For CRI, this is Xie Zhao.
China, U.S. hold high-level anti-terror dialogue
The first ever vice-ministerial level anti-terrorism consultation between China and the US has been held in Washington, DC.
Our Washington correspondent He Fei has the details.
The meeting was co-hosted by Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping and the anti-terrorism coordinator of the US State Department, Ambassador Tina Ksidanow.
Both sides have exchanged views on the global anti-terrorism situation as well as discussing issues and policies within China and the US.
The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister says the anti-terrorism issue is a core concern of both China and the US.
Cheng Guoping also urges the US side to abandon "double standards" in addressing terrorism.
"Recently at West Point, President Obama said terrorism activities are now the most direct threat to the US. China as well has listed the fight against terrorism as the primary task to maintain social stability. For now the ultimate concern for China is to fight against the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and to maintain the stability and development in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. And the US has showed understanding and willingness to cooperate with China in this field. However, we also have concerns about, and object to, what we see as a US double-standard on anti-terrorism issues."
Despite the differences, senior officials from the two sides did agree that terrorism, in all its forms, should be condemned.
At such, the two sides are also mapping out future cooperation in this field.
And to strengthen mutual consultation, according to Cheng, will be the first step.
"The consultation will be institutionalized. It will be an annual meeting at least. Based on actual situations, the two sides can hold such consultations at any time. In addition to the vice-ministerial level meetings, there will be other seminars on anti-terrorism cooperation. In other words, the cooperation will be all-rounded and come along with practical cooperation. "
The consultation is one of the follow-up events to the six round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue, which was recently held in Beijing.
"The meeting marks closer political cooperation between China and the US, and it helps promoting mutual trust and joint work in the field of anti-terrorism. It also paves the way for President Obama's state visit to China in November. There is plenty of room for Sino-US cooperation, and that accord with the common interests of our two peoples who also have a vested interest in world stability. "
It's been agreed that the next such consultation will be held in China in due time.
For CRI, I'm He Fei in Washington.
Guangzhou Transit Bus Arsonist Arrested
Police in Guangzhou says the suspect who is accused of setting fire to a city bus did so because of personal anger.
The 25-year-old confessed after being arrested today.
It has been reported that the young man lost money gambling and committed the arson to vent his anger.
The suspect is from Hunan Province.
The fire caused an explosion and killed two people at the scene, and injured 32 others.
Eight of them remain in critical condition.
25 injured as severe turbulence hit Hong Kong bound flight
At least 25 passengers have been injured after a Hong Kong-bound flight from South Africa ran into severe turbulence.
Injuries to two of the passengers are described as severe.
There were 165 passengers on the flight when it left Johannesburg this morning.
The airline says the turbulence struck as the plane was flying over the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.
Witnesses say many passengers were thrown from their seats, with some hitting the cabin ceiling.
The flight landed safely in Hong Kong.
A detailed list of the nationalities of the passengers has not yet been released.
Two Russian Metro Workers Arrested After Derailment
Chinese authorities in Moscow have confirmed two Chinese men are among the 21 killed in a subway derailment in the Russian capital during the Tuesday morning rush hour.
The victims have not yet been identified.
160 people have been injured.
Three cars on the Moscow subway system derailed. It appears the cars left the track after emergency braking was initiated.
Russian investigators have arrested two metro workers for safety breaches.
They are suspected of using inadequate wiring during work on the line in May.
The crash is being considered the worst technical accident in the Moscow subway system's 80-year history.
The Mayor of Moscow has declared today a day of mourning, and is vowing to bring those responsible to account.
Biz Reports
First of all, a look at the latest stock market, and we have CRI's Yin Xiuqi on the desk.
Asian stocks held steady today after China reported better-than-expected economic growth, drawing a sigh of relief from investors rather than outright applause.
China's economy expanded by 2 percent in the second quarter from the previous quarter, taking annual growth to 7.5 percent. Retail sales and industrial output were either in line with forecasts or slightly higher.
However, mainland shares fell despite the favorable economic figures.
The fall ended a winning-streak in the previous three trading days.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index went down 0.15 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.6 percent.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index rose 0.3 percent.
Tokyo stocks were almost flat as selling to lock in recent gains offset buying triggered by the weaker yen.
The benchmark Nikkei-225 was down 0.1 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI closed almost unchanged.
Singapore's Straits Times edged up 0.3 percent.
Finally, Australia's S&P/ASX 200 closed slightly higher.
China's industrial production recovers in H1
China's industrial production growth improved in the first six months of this year, showing signs that the world's largest "workshop" is warming up.
The National Bureau of Statistics reports that that value-added industrial output in the country expanded 8.8 percent year on year in the January-June period.
In June, output rose 9.2 percent, marking the fastest growth so far in 2014.
China uses value-added industrial output to measure business activities within designated large enterprises, each with an annual turnover of at least 20 million yuan or 3.3 million U.S. dollars.
China's H1 retail sales accelerate
Official figures show China's retail sales growth advanced during the first six months of the year, boosted by strong figures in the online sector.
Retail sales grew 12.1 percent year on year in the January-June period, quickening from the 12-percent growth registered for the first quarter.
The actual growth rate was 10.8 percent with inflation deducted.
In June, retail sales saw month-on-month expansion of 0.96 percent.
Sales in the online sector witnessed strong growth in the first six months, surging over 48 percent year on year.
China's H1 property investment growth slows down
Growth in China's real estate investment sector slowed down in the first half of the year.
The National Bureau of Statistics reports that property investment rose 14.1 percent year on year in the first six months.
That was 0.6 percentage points down from the first five months and 2.7 percentage points down from the first quarter.
For residential property, investment growth registered a decline of 0.9 percentage points from the first five months.
China's property market has kept cooling since the beginning of the year.
For more on China's property market, we are joined live by Benjamin Cavender, Associate principal at China Market Research in Shanghai.
1. What factors have driven the decline of China's real estate investment in the first half of this year?
2. The newly released macro-economic figures point to a gradual recovery in the Chinese economy. Is it fair to say that a cooling property market does not necessarily drag down the overall economic growth?
3. Some local authorities, especially those in the second and third tier cities, have eased some of the curbs on their local property sectors. Has it become necessary for these governments to take additional action to shore up the sector? What should they do?
Back anchor:
That's Benjamin Cavender, Associate principal at China Market Research in Shanghai.
India's trade deficit touches 11-month high at 11.76 bln USD in June
Official data shows India's trade deficit touched an 11-month high at nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars in June.
Even though the exports in June rose 10.2 percent year-on-year, they declined markedly from the 28 billion U.S. dollars recorded in the prior month.
Imports, which increased 8.3 percent year on year, also dipped slightly on a month-on-month basis.
S. Korea's June job growth lowest in 11 months after ferry disaster
Job growth in South Korea hit its lowest in 11 months last month, bolstering worries about the sluggish recovery of Asia's No.4 economy.
Official figures show the number of those employed reached 25-million-875-thousand in June, up some 400-thousand from a year earlier.
The pessimistic figure bolstered concerns that the April ferry disaster had a negative effect on employment data.
The ferry Sewol capsized and sank off the southwestern coast on April 16, leaving more than 300 people, mostly high school students, dead or missing.
The accident has led consumers to refrain from entertainment and travel.
The country's central bank last week lowered its 2014 economic growth outlook to 3.8 percent from the 4 percent forecast three months earlier.
U.S. House passes 10.8 billion USD for Highway Trust Fund
The U.S. House of Representatives has approved spending 10.8 billion U.S. dollars to finance the Highway Trust Fund till May of 2015 to avoid cutbacks in transportation projects.
The fund will be mainly paid for from the pension smoothing program, higher customs fees for passengers and vehicles, and a fund used to cover cleanup costs from leaking underground storage tanks.
The Highway Trust Fund was started in 1956 to finance the U.S. Highway System using fuel tax revenues.
It has run short of money in recent years because of higher construction costs and improved vehicle fuel efficiency.
Yahoo profit declines due to weak ad sales
US Internet giant Yahoo reports that its profit declined by 18 percent during the three months to the end of June.
Its revenue also fell, dropping 3 percent.
The company says most of the decline was due to a sharp drop in digital display advertising, which plunged 8 percent in the second quarter.
Meanwhile, Yahoo says it's approaching China's e-commerce giant Alibaba, asking for changes to a share repurchase agreement.
Yahoo aims to reduce the number of shares that it is required to sell during Alibaba's prospective IPO in the US from 208 million shares to 140 million shares.
Yahoo has a large stake in the Chinese firm that is expected to raise at least 15 billion US dollars for investors upon making its IPO.
Alibaba filed paperwork with US securities regulators in May and a debut on the US stock market is expected later this year.
JP Morgan withdraws from mortgage lending
JPMorgan Chase & Co, the second-largest U.S. mortgage lender, is backing away from making home loans to less creditworthy borrowers, even those backed by government guarantees.
The shift reflects a change in the way JPMorgan runs its mortgage business.
The lender says it wants to reduce the chances of having to foreclose on a loan, because it's bad business.
Headline News
China's GDP grows 7.4 pct in H1
China's economy grew 7.5 percent in the second quarter compared with the same period a year ago, and is up from the 7.4 percent growth of the first quarter.
However, this rate of growth is the lowest since 2012.
The National Bureau of Statistics says growth in the first half has come in at 7.4 percent.
Among some of the other figures released today, the industrial value-added calculation has come in at nearly 9-percent for the first half.
Retail sales in the first half are up over 12-percent compared to the same period last year to nearly 12.5-trillion yuan, or over 2-trillion US dollars.
Chinese president arrives in Brasilia, starts state visit to Brazil
Chinese President Xi Jinping's official state visit to Brazil has begun.
President Xi is now in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia.
He's due to meet with a number of Latin American and Caribbean leaders.
Xi Jinping says he looks forward to meeting with Brazilian leaders and people of all walks of life.
Xi Jinping's time in Brazil has already seen him attend this year's BRICS summit in the city of Fortaleza.
After Brazil, the Chinese President is also due to make stops in Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba.
CNPC ends drilling off Xisha Islands
China National Petroleum Corp. has concluded drilling and exploration off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.
The drill will now move to another location off southern Hainan Province for further operations.
The Foreign Ministry has released a new statement, stressing that the move is in accordance with the company's operation plan, and has nothing to do with exterior elements.
CNPC started drilling two wells in May.
The company says signs of oil and gas were found in the operation, and it will assess the data collected and decide on the next step.
The company has been exploring the area since 2004.
Syria's Assad swears in as new president
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has officially begun his third term in office.
He was sworn in today following an election that was held in early June, the first multi-candidate vote in the country. There were two others vying for the president's job.
In his inauguration speech, Assad says his government will keep fighting terrorism.
He also warns that anyone who has supported terrorism in Syria will pay a steep price.
Previously, Assad has also promised a national dialogue in the country in an effort to restore order.
Years of fighting within Syria have left thousands of people dead, while millions of others have been forced from their homes.
Two Russian Metro Workers Arrested After Derailment
Russian investigators have arrested two metro workers for safety breaches, after a subway derailment in the Russian capital during the Tuesday morning rush hour.
They are suspected of using inadequate wiring during work on the line in May.
Three cars on the Moscow subway system derailed. It appears the cars left the track after emergency braking was initiated.
At least 21 were killed and 160 people have been injured,
Two Chinese men are among the dead.
Newspaper Picks
China News Service
Shanghai delivery firms given 30% green vehicle quota
According to Shanghai's new regulations, thirty percent of vehicles purchased by delivery companies in Shanghai will have to be environmentally friendly.
The city government has also pledged to create an additional 4-thousand charging spots where clean energy vehicles can be charged.
This follows central government encouraging new energy vehicles for official use.
The Shanghai Transport Commission announced that a 30 percent green vehicle purchase quota by the end of next year will also cover private logistics companies — as well as public transport, sanitation vehicles and official cars.
The city government aims to get another 13-thousand environmentally friendly vehicles on the roads by the end of 2015 to reduce emissions of exhaust pollutants.
New energy vehicles covered by this include electric, plug-in hybrids, fuel-cell and solar-powered models.
Shanghai Daily
Shanghai hospitals see dog bites soar
A hospital in Shanghai's Pudong New Area that treats dog bites is dealing with around 70 cases a day at the moment.
This is up 30 percent on earlier this year.
Punan Hospital says it is dealing with 60 to 70 patients a day, rising to 90 a day at peak times.
Overall, the three hospitals in Pudong that treat bites have been seeing around 130 cases a day this summer.
Doctors say this is set to rise with the increase in temperatures this week.
According to doctors, a combination of pets becoming short-tempered in the heat and more people outdoors wearing less clothing explains this.
Do friends have similar genomes?
A study from a controversial pair of US researchers claims that we are more genetically similar to our friends than we are to strangers.
Looking at differences between nearly 2-thousand people, they found that friends shared about 0.1 percent more DNA, on average, than strangers.
While small, this is the same level of similarity expected for fourth cousins.
The study analyzed nearly 500-thousand single-letter markers from across the genome.
These results were useful because as well as providing DNA samples, participants were asked who their closest friends were.
Other researchers have expressed concern about different factors that could affect the results - such as ethnicity or other types of "population stratification" - which could make people both genetically similar and more likely to be friends.
Indian Express
Climate change may impair basic senses of fish: Research
A new research suggest that rising carbon dioxide levels worldwide could lead fish to lose their ability to recognize each other and make them "friendless" wanderers who will hang out with just about anybody.
Like humans, fish prefer to group with individuals with whom they are familiar, rather than strangers.
This gives numerous benefits including higher growth and survival rates, greater defense against predators and faster social learning.
Australian scientists have been studying the effect of carbon dioxide on the schooling behavior of the tropical damselfish Chromis viridis.
Lead investigator Lauren Nadler found that juvenile fish normally require three weeks to recognize their school-mates, however elevated carbon dioxide levels significantly impaired this ability.
Special Reports
Hong Kong Book Fair
The ongoing Hong Kong Book Fair has seen a record number of exhibitors this year.
The fair features strong local flavor with the participation of local writers and books about Hong Kong to spread the culture and charm of the world metropolis.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has the story.
570 exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions have gathered at the 25th Hong Kong Book Fair.
Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration Carrie Lam says the book fair is not only a grand event in the city, but also for the whole of Asia.
"The importance of reading is often downgraded in the era of fast development of high technology. During the past 25 years, the Hong Kong Book Fair has been playing a constructive role in promoting reading. The events are becoming more diverse and attractive year on year and create a strong cultural environment. It has become an important platform for cultural exchange for Hong Hong, for the Greater China Region, as well as for overseas friends."
The book fair is crowded with local residents and tourists who are looking for good books with good prices.
"I am from Shenzhen. There is a wide range of authors and books here, that's why I come. We have material wellbeing but we need to take care of our mental health as well. " "I come to the book fair every year. There are all kinds of books so it's convenient, I don't have to travel far to search for the books I want."
Cher Chu, assistant marketing manager at Chung Hwa Book Corporation, says Hong Kong people are becoming more aware and cherishing of their culture and language.
"This type of book is becoming increasingly popular among locals recently. Both old people and young students appreciate local culture. We have books with serious topics. For example, regarding the change of Hong Kong's coastline after reclaiming land for sea. There are interesting books too, with cartoons to introduce some old industries and old toys in Hong Kong that no longer exist. "
Hong Kong stories are not only told by Chinese writers through their eyes. Foreigners also write about Hong Kong from their perspectives.
French writer Francois Dremeaux tells the bauhinia story, the flower as represented on the flag of Hong Kong, with French connections.
"A priest, in 1888, he saw a flower that was about to extinct in Hong Kong. He conservated the flower and he grew it. Because he saved the flower from extinction, in 1965, the British people you know chose it to be on the Hong Kong flag."
More than 300 cultural events will take place during the week-long book fair, which draws together dozens of renowned writers from the mainland and Taiwan as well, including Yan Geling, Yan Lianke and Li'ao. English writers from the States, France, Britain and other countries will also hold a handful of seminars and lectures to talk about reading and writing.
For CRI, this is Li Jing.
MLB All Star Game Result
The American League has won Major League Baseball's 85th annual All Star Game, scoring a 5-3 victory over the National League squad.
The victory means the A-L team that makes it to the World Series will have home-field advantage, regardless of regular-season winning percentage.
Los Angeles Angels star Mike Trout was the game MVP. The 22-year-old played the role of "hero" at the plate, hitting a triple that scored the first run of the game and later hitting a double that scored the eventual winning run.
There was the feeling of the passing the baton, as Trout is emerges as the new "face" of the game and Derek Jeter, captain of the New York Yankees and the current "face" of baseball was playing side-by-side.
Trout spoke of the impact Jeter has had on his game:
"You know growing up, (I) was setting goals to myself that if I ever get a chance to the big leagues, that's how I want to play. And the way he carries himself on and off the field, how he respects the game, always hustling, it doesn't matter what the score is. If they're down ten runs, he's always running the ball out. That's how I want to play."
40-year-old Derek Jeter has already announced this will be his last season, and teams the Yankees have visited have honored the shortstop with tributes all season long.
He went 2-for-2 at the plate and scored the first run of the game after Trout hit that previously mentioned triple.
Yellow jersey owner wins Tour of Qinghai Lake 10th stage
Iiya David-enok from Kazakhstan's Continental Team Astana has won the 10th stage of Tour of Qinghai Lake.
In doing so he holds on to the yellow and blue jersey which represent the overall leader and best Asian rider respectively.
Second and third place went to Grega Bole of Vini Fantini Nippo (VFN) and Mykhaylo Kononenko of Kolss Cycling Team (KLS), who is also the best sprinter of the stage.
The 10th stage from Tianshui to Pingliang covers 223 kilometers, the third longest of this year's Tour. It has two sprints, one Category 3 climb and one Category 2 climb at the altitude of 2,065 meters above sea level.
The next stage will begin from Yinchuan, the capital city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
F1 Driver Rosberg signs now multi-year deal with Mercedes
In motor-racing
Nico Rosberg has just signed a new multi-year contract extension with Mercedes.
This weekend will see the German Grand-Prix, the home race for the Silver Arrows and the 29-year-old current championship leader.
The Mercedes driver and his team-mate Lewis Hamilton have dominated so far this season.
Rosberg dropped out of Hamilton's home Grand Prix at Silverstone last time round allowing the British driver to close to within 4 points.
Nico Rosberg will now be hoping to break clear once again at his own home grand prix at Hockenheim on Sunday.
Markovic in Suarez out at Liverpool
In European Football
The latest transfers have seen Serbia international winger Lazar Markovic become Liverpool's fourth close-season signing after joining on a "long-term deal", with the Premier league club
The 20-year-old has been signed from Portuguese side Benfica for 20 million pounds ($34.03 million) according to some reports.
The highly-rated left-sided attacker joins England internationals and former Southampton pair Rickie Lambert and Adam Lallana as well as Germany Under-21 midfielder Emre Can at Anfield.
Liverpool just missed out on last year's Premiere League title and Markovic says he hopes that this year he can help them to victory:"I am very happy that I have joined such a great club. I hope that I will fulfill the expectations of the supporters, trainers, players and all connected to the club."  "I watched every game and they played absolutely superb. It is a shame they did not win the title and I hope we will win it this season."
Belgium striker Divock Origi is also close to joining Liverpool in a ?10 million deal from Lille.
Meanwhile departing striker Luis Suarez has been spotted at his apartment in Barcelona but FIFA has said the Uruguayan international cannotappear in any soccer-related public events after he was banned for four months for biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder in his World Cup match in Brazil.
Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers is understood to have made the sale reluctantly for a reported 81 million euros.
Woods and McIlroy gear up for British Open Golf
In Golf,
The British Open tees off on Thursday and will see some of the biggest names in the sport back on top form.
Tiger Woods, who missed a quarter of the season following a back operation, says his optimistic about his chances and has been shooting well of late.
Elsewhere Rory McIlroy needs to find away of beating his Friday fiascos.
Last week, at the Scottish Open, was typical of the Northern Irishman's recent bad habit.
After opening with an impressive round of 64 at Royal Aberdeen he tumbled down the field with a seven-over-par 78 in the second round.
The 25-year-old said he's feeling happy with his preparations leading into the British Open however:
"I'm glad I played up in Scotland," added the eighth-ranked McIlroy. "I feel as prepared as I ever have coming into an Open championship just because of four competitive rounds on links and playing in some different conditions up there.
"It was a good week in terms of preparation for this week at the Open, a little disappointed with how it finished, I mean I had three good rounds and one obviously not so good round. But my game feels in good shape."
England bowler Anderson faces cricket misconduct charges
England bowler James Anderson has been charged with misconduct by the International Cricket Council.
He allegedly pushed India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja as they walked away for lunch during the first test.
If found guilty the 31-year-old could be banned for four test, which would represent a major blow for England's changes against India.
An England and Wales Cricket Board statement said Anderson "categorically denies the accusations" and has lodged his own complaint against Jadeja.
"How to Train Your Dragon 2" coming to China
The U.S. family fantasy hit, "How to Train Your Dragon 2," is coming to China.
DreamWorks Animation confirmed that the Chinese authorities have approved the release of the film, giving the hit sequel a chance to be shown across the world's fastest-growing film market.
Since its initial release in early June, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" has earned more than 350 million U.S. dollars worldwide.
The move also stands as another notch in DreamWorks' working relationship with China.
In March, the company revealed plans for a 2.4-billion-U.S.-dollar entertainment complex to be built in Shanghai.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 will be coming to Chinese cinema on August 14th, 2014.
Taiwan singer Wilber Pan prepares for concert
Taiwan singer Wilber Pan has been getting ready for his upcoming tour, following the release of his new album, "Crown and Clown".
Pan just announced that he will perform one night at the Taipei Arena on October 25th, 2014.
The name of the show is called "Garden of Eden." At a promotional photo shoot for the concert, Pan said that the show symbolizes his desire to reinvent himself and the start of a new him. 
"Because the Garden of Eden is the beginning of mankind. So the concept is to show everyone something that came from nothing. So this is how we want to present this idea, Adam and Eve, wearing nothing. The way we imagined it was that the leaves behind them would spread out. It symbolizes the end and then a new beginning.
Pan made his debut in the music industry in 2002. He is known for upbeat, dance songs, his musical style is influenced by western Hip Hop and R and B.
"Crown and Clown" - released in June - is his 10th studio album.
Taiwan actor Ethan Ruan promises to marry soon
Taiwanese actor Ethan Ruan has confessed that he already made a wedding promise to actress Tiffany Hsu.
This happened at a press conference when Ethan was promoting his new film, "Paradise in Service".
The couple has been dating for seven years, and both have been denying they are getting married.
He also says he will "take further actions" about the wedding after his promotional activities end.
The 31-year-old is famous for acting in TV shows and films, he won the best actor for the Golden Horse Award in 2010.
Superhero Thor to be recast as a woman
Marvel Comics has unveiled big changes to recast the superhero Thor as a woman.
The publisher said it hoped recasting hammer-wielding Thor would attract more women and girls to superhero comic books.
New artwork reveals the bearded good looking Thunder God is now a buxom blonde, clad in a caped costume.
Thor first appeared in the Marvel adventure in 1962 and has been the star of two blockbuster movies.
New York based Marvel describes the move as "one of the most shocking and exciting changes ever to shake one of the "big three" of Captain America, Iron Man and Thor".
Jason Aaron, writer of the new Thor series, said in a statement: "This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is Thor."
The first adventures of the new female Thor are set to begin in October 2014.
Rocky the musical to close on Broadway
Rocky The Musical is to close on Broadway in the US – just six months after it opened.
Based on the Oscar winning film "Rocky," the musical co-written by the film's star, Sylvester Stallone, met with mixed reviews at its New York debut in March.
Set in Philadelphia in 1975, Rocky follows an amateur boxer who gets a surprise shot at the heavyweight championship.
Originally premiered in Hamburg, Germany in 2012, the musical was then well received by critics.
The announcement of its closure comes just one day after the decision to close the Broadway musical "Holler If Ya Hear Me," which includes songs by the rapper Tupac Shakur.
The show will close on August 17th 2014, after playing 28 previews and 188 regular performances.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour - a quick recap of headlines before we go:
The latest GDP number in China lends hope to the belief that an economic recovery is now underway...
The central government has issued new guidelines that will reduce the fleet of government cars...
And now that the BRICS summit in Brazil is finished... The Chinese President has launched his official state visit in the South American country...
In business, industrial product in China is up..
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.
