学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 2069 dirt cheap(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是 dirt cheap. Dirt cheap 意思是非常便宜,按现在的说法就是白菜价。Fans of Neil Young and Arcade Fire got their upcoming concerts tickets dirty cheap due to an online error. 由于网上出现的错误,尼尔扬和拱廊之火乐队的歌迷很便宜就买到了他们音乐会的门票。近年来,美国芝加哥某些地区出现了很多无人问经的空地。City officials are selling empty lots dirty cheap to homeowners who already own a home on the same block. 城市官员决定,以白菜价把这些空地卖给已在该街区拥有住房的人。好的,今天我们学习的词是 dirt cheap, dirt cheap, dirt cheap...
