英文流行歌曲:Frente---Let The Sunshine In(在线收听

Frente---Let The Sunshine In

Frente一支来自澳洲的组合。他们原本把自己称为”Frente! “,过后也不懂是队里的哪个成员心血来潮,提议把! 给省略掉,结果大家一致同意。Frente 便成了这个组合的代名词。刚开始队员总共有4人: Angie Hart - Vocals Simon Austin - Vocals, guitars Tim O' Connor - Bass Mark Picton - Drums 由Angie为女主音的Frente,并不愿意顺着流行音乐的趋势,而做出迎合市场的泡泡糖音乐。相反地,他们宁愿走向非主流,朝着自己喜欢的木吉他民谣风格,创作出另一种清新的音乐。在他们的唱片里,你可以嗅到花香,大自然的气息,一种与世无争的慵懒。


Mommy told me something 妈妈告诉我一些事,
A little kid should know 一些小孩应该知道的事,
It's all about the devil 那是关于魔鬼的故事。
And I learned to hate him so 我开始憎恨他,因为妈妈说:
She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room当你把他留在房间他会制造许多麻烦,
He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom 如果你心中充满怨恨他就永远不会离开。
So let the sun shine in 所以让阳光照进来吧,
Face it with a grin 对它露齿微笑;
Smilers never lose 会微笑的人永远不会输,
And Frowners never win 只皱眉的人从来不会赢。
So let the sun shine in 让阳关照进来吧,
Face it with a grin 对它露齿微笑;
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开你的心扉,让阳光照进来。
When you are unhappy 当你一直不开心,
The devil wears a grin 魔鬼就脸带微笑;
But oh he starts to run in 但他会转身就逃,
When the light comes prowling in 当阳光四射八方。
I know he'll be unhappy 我知道他不会高兴,
Cause I'll never wear a frown 因为我从不皱眉;
Maybe if we keep on smiling 或许我们一直保持微笑,
He'll get tired of hanging 'round 他就会厌倦在四周游荡。
If I forget to say my prayers 如果我忘记祷告,
The devil jumps with glee 魔鬼就手舞足蹈;
But he feels so awful awful 但他会感觉很糟很糟,
When he sees me on my knees 只要他看见我跪着(祈祷)。
So if you feel of trouble 所以如果你感觉遇上麻烦,
And you never seem to move 或总是止步不前,
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in 就敞开你的心扉,让阳光照进来。
Sun~ Shine~ in~
Sun~ Shine~ in~
Mommy told me something 妈妈告诉我一些事,
A little kid should know 一些小孩应该知道的事,
It's all about the devil 那是关于魔鬼的事。
And I learned to hate him so 我开始憎恨他。
If I forget to say my prayers 如果我忘记祷告,
The devil jumps with glee 魔鬼就手舞足蹈;
But he feels so awful awful 但他会感觉很糟很糟,
When he sees me on my knees 只要他看见我跪着(祈祷)。
So if you feel of trouble 所以如果你遇上麻烦,
And you never seem to move 或总是止步不前,
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in 就敞开你的心扉,让阳光照进来。
