听歌学英语:等待一封信 Carpenters - Please Mr. Postman(在线收听

这首歌是60年代最具代表性的女生组合The Marvelettes原唱。曾经是1961年R&B和流行榜的双料冠军,那后来在70年代 The Carpenters(木匠兄妹)也很争气地重新诠释这首歌 并得到了流行榜冠军,还成为了史上原唱与重唱都得冠军的七支单曲之一。

Stop Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman 请等一下,邮差先生
Wait, Mr. Postman 等一等,邮差先生
Please Mr. Postman, looks and see 等一下,邮差先生,请查查看
If there's a letter in your bag for me 袋子里是不是有我的信?
Please, Please Mr. Postman 请等一下,邮差先生
Why's it taking such a long time 为什麽让我等这麽久
For me to hear from that boy of mine 只为了等我男友的音讯
There must be some word today今天一定有一些字
From my boyfriend so far away从离我遥远的男友那里来
Pleas Mr .Postman, look and see等一下,邮差先生,请查查看
If there's a letter, a letter for me 如果有一封信,一封我的信
I've been standing here waiting Mr. Postman so patiently 我一直站在这儿耐心的等待邮差先生
For just a card, or just a letter 只为了一张明信片或一封信
Saying he's returning home to me 告诉我他将回到家里
Mr. Postman... Please Mr. Postman, looks and see 等一下,邮差先生,请查查看
If there's a letter in your bag for me 袋子里是不是有我的信?
Please, Please Mr. Postman 请等一下,邮差先生
Why's it taking such a long time 为什麽让我等这麽久
For me to hear from that boy of mine 只为了等我男友的音讯
So many days you passed me by 你从我面前经过这麽多天了
See the tears standing in my eyes 看见我眼里的泪水
You didn't stop to make me feel better 却不曾停下来安慰我
By leaving me a card or a letter 给我一封明信片或信件
Why don't you check it and see one more time for me 为何你不再为我查看一遍?
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute 你一定得等一下
Wait a minute, wait a minute 请等一下,等一下
Mr. Postman looks and see 邮差先生,请查查看
C'mon deliver the letter, the sooner the better 快给我一封信,越快越好 Mr. Postman... 邮差先生........

歌词:I've been standing here waiting Mr. Postman so patiently.For just a card, or just a letter.
1. Patiently:典型的副词,意思是“耐心地”。比如:
He was angry, but he listened to be patiently.
2. 去掉词尾的副词标志ly,就成为了形容词,表示“有耐心的;能忍耐的”。比如:
I think I am quite a patient person.
The patient is much better today.
歌词:So many days you passed me by, See the tears standing in my eyes.
1. Pass by:经过,路过。经过一个地方想起有朋友刚好在附近,那当你探望他时可以:
I happened to pass by,so I dropped in.
(happen to 碰巧,刚巧 drop in 拜访)
I happened to pass by,so I dropped in.
He happened to pass by there at that time.
2. Pass by除了表示具体经过一个地方,还可以指错过了某些东西,对某些东西不予理睬,比如机会等。来听例句:
You should never let an opportunity pass by.
You cannot pass by the remark in silence.
对这句话你不能置之不理。You cannot pass by the remark in silence.
歌词:Deliver the letter, the sooner the better.
1. Deliver意思很多,最常见的意思就是歌词中的“递送” deliver a letter,送信。
Please deliver this package to my mother.
2. 第二个意思是“发表(演讲);讲座”等。
He delivered a lecture to the students.
3. 第三个常见的意思是指“生(孩子)”。比如:
She delivered twins in the evening.晚上她生了一对双胞胎。
4. The 比较级+the 比较级:越…就越怎样,
The sooner, the better. 越快越好。
The higher, the colder. 海拔越高,气温越低。
