美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-07-01(在线收听

1. Fans across the US watched the Americans take on Germany today in World Cup play. Despite losing in 1-0, the US will advance to the knockout stage. Thanks to the Portugal’s win over Ghana, giving the US team a boost in the goal differential.
2. The Supreme Court unanimously struck down a 35-foot protest free zone outside abortion clinics in Massachusetts. Saying the buffer area is a restraint on free speech rights of protesters. Pro-abortion right advocators say the ruling will risk the safety of women seeking abortions.
3. Howard Baker, a former Senate majority leader of Chief of Staff to Ronald Reagan and unlikely WaterGate star has died from stroke complications. During the WaterGate hearing, he famously asked “what did the President known and when did he know it?”. Becker was 88. 
4. A New York State man has turned his chainsaw into an artist tool. Mark Tyoe has spent more than 20 years carving a niche for himself as a chainsaw artist, specializing in bear statues.