美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-07-02(在线收听

 1. Nine people have been injured during a shooting on celebrated Bourbon Street. New Orleans police say the Sunday morning incident was carried out by two men who got angry with each other and began shooting. 

2. The Iraqi government says its helicopter gunships are striking ISIL’s insurgents around Tikrit. The advance is part of a wider mission to regain control of Tikrit. 
3. Team USA arrived in Salvador, Brazil ahead of their second round match against Belgium on Tuesday. The Americans owned enough points to make it to the final 16 but must win the next game to move on in the World Cup matches. 
4. And beachgoers in Sydney got a pleasant surprise when a southern right whale came to rise just off the coast. Right whales were named because when whaling started, they were considered the right whale to hunt because they move slowly and are easier to approach and kill. They came close to extinction but have been protected since 1937. 