NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-07-03(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington, I’m Jack Spear.

Senate democrats say they will introduce legislations and respond to the Supreme Court’s decision allowing businesses to refuse advice country accepted as part of employee’s health care plan.
NPR’s Laure Celven has more.
Senator Petty Morey, a democrat from Washington says she will introduce legislation in coming weeks that will attempt to work around the Supreme Court ruling. Morey says the court’s decision allowing family own the closely health businesses to opt out of the providing birth control. Undermine a woman’s ability to make private health care decisions. Morey and 18 other senate democrats found an immediate brief in this case. While many counselors of law makers praised the court’s decision, many democrats, especially female lawmakers expressed outrage. They say they will spend delightful 3 carefully examing the ruling and figuring out the best type of the legislation to introduce when the senate returns next week.
Larah Celven, NPR News, the capital.
The extremist group that has swept over much of north of Iraq is now calling on Muslims there to come to cease territory and help build an Islamist state. In aliotake, the group’s leader is exhorting Muslim a gun less nationality to take part. Meanwhile Sunni in curds walk out of the first section of Iraq’s new parliament today. As for Shiah, XXX prime minister replaced XXX, further giving hope for national unity government to save the country from collapse.
California raises its minimum wage today from 8 dollars to 9 dollars an hour.
NPR’s Sam Sentors reports it the state first high for six years.
The jumps at 12.5 percent increase in California’s minimum wage. Meanwhile, California governor Jerry Brown signed in last year merrace minimum wage again in 2016 to 10 dollars an hour. Meneral Passtority sociology at the University of Southern California, he says seeing as the state as biggest California raises their minimum wage will have replete effects. It begins to demonstrate that this can be done, had a  national level, has helped to build the momentum nationally to make sure in a long way goes up had a national level.
California’s business community opposed the increase, saying it could cause jobs in a still recovering the economy but cities across the state have been raising their minimum wages themselves. San Francisco’s minimum wage, for instance, is already 10.74 $ an hour. Sam sentors, NPR News.
National factories were busy in June, a key manufacturing index falled a 30 straight mount last month rose as a faster pace. It stoop for supplied manismake it keep purchasing manager groups say its manufacturing index was 55.3 and it reading above 50 indicates expansion of manufacturing while reading below that level that no contraction.50 of 80 manufacturing industries worries expanding last month. Sepal reports the government says construction expending was out in May. Convels Brown’s reporting spending one-tenth or one percent.
On Wall Street, both the downing as a P500 eventually the record territory again the hour of 129 points to 60,956 as a P500 gains 30 points today. You are listening to NPR.
The first tropical storm of the season is warned in the nearly lanic Florida. NPR Grey Garmin reports from Miami Tropical storm Author may reach hurricane strenched by the end of this week. Author began as the pression of which tropical storm state its eclectic south of cab coneberal. The national hurricane center says the storm is expected to turn north Wednesday and remain offshore as it heads of the east coast. With warm water temperatures and low wind shear, Author is projected to straiten into a hurricane on a tract to put it on the collision course with north collier. The national hurricane center Dennis Selfconconcess calls the area of north corilinar should expect the stormy 4th of July.
“You should be prepared for a very heavy rain fall or a serving tropical storm force wind, a possibly a hurricane force along the cariline coast line and there could allow isolated tornado.” Author forecaster offshore as it moves north ,bringing widened rain community along the east coast.Gray Garlen, NPR News, Miami.
A flush for the US team at the World Cup despite a Sicilian performer from US gorky ten hawer with 16 saves, US goll felt sure in the sefren to advance next round. US was losing Belgium 2-1 an extra time. NPR’s Resel Louis say even though US team lost it all domen Brazil.
Again under the beat to go, and defend to sliming out of the stadium. American fans reports looking at it down, looking at it adjective? But the melon of the tocher says sad to the lost but happy they were already get this far in the World Cup, happy what they means for the future. Happy that so many people turned to this games, watching these games and were excited about US team and really looking forward to the future.
NPR Resel Louis,XXX closed down today. This is NPR News in Washington.