NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-07-05(在线收听

 From NPR News in Washington, I’m Barbara peclients.

Off the North Carolina coast, hurricane Arthur has strengthened to a category-two storm with sustained winds of a hundred miles an hour. Forecaster says there’s a good chance to make a land fall near or over the out of banks tonight.11-year-old Patrick Vacik of New York is vacationed in the outer banks with his family and he has already figured out how weather the storm.
“well, we will probably play categories Em, we will probably eat guat and play ball games.”
Arthur’s about 110 miles southwest of Catepater.
     Hiring is the strongest disbean in years, according to the laborer Department, the economy added more jobs than expected last month. It’s NPR’s Morry Lies reports the numbers of welcome news to the Whitehouse.
     The economy added 288,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate dropped to 6.1%. That is the lowest level since September 2008 when the financial crisis began. The economy is the number one issue in the midterm election and it improved outlooks makes a little this year from a battle democrat to argue the recovery is picking up sting even if lots of people still are not feeling the effects. The labor Department report also shows that the unemployment rate is dropping because more people are getting higher not because more people have given up looking for work. The chair man of the president counselor of economic adviser shoot a statement pointing out that it is the first time since late 1999 that there has been a total job growth over 200,000 a month for 5 straight months. Morri Liason, NPR News,the Whitehouse.
US’s export’s hitting all time high in May, narrowing the nation’s trade deficit by more than 5.5 %. Exports of good in-services rose 1% to a record 190 billion dollars.
Negotiations over Iran, nuclear programs are entering a final faith to determine the size of its future of nuclear and enrichment program. From Vietnam NPR’s Peter Canvin reports a senior American official insists any nuclear agreement should leave Iran with a fraction of what they currently has. A senior administration official in Vietnam disputed Iran’s contention that international negotiators are sticking into maxi molo positions saying the pass ways they offered to a nuclear deal are thoughtful and reasonable. But on the key issue of the size of Iran’s uranium and enrichment program whereas uranium into spoke on as many as 50,000 centrifuges. The US official says in order to get a deal, Iran’s program should be a fraction of its current size which is agreed to be about 9000 centrifuges in operation and another 10,000 in stores.The Users had a bilateral meeting with the Iranians, with the talks tightly focused on nuclear issues, not other problems like the situation in Iraq. Peter Canvin, NPR News, Vietnam.
On Wall Street, the dough broke through 17,000 marked to closes 17,068. This is NPR News.
The Pentagon is grounding its entire fleet of F-35s, the latest and most advanced generation of US flight object while investigators try to figure out what caused one of them to catch fire on a runway ten days ago. Last month, then , in fire oily prompted fleet wide expectation. The F-35 is the Pentagon’s costly as weapons program.
The aid groups ox fan is shriving an emergency call for monitorial system, NPR’s Alice reports that Syria’s neighbors are buckling under the strange of millions of refugees, fling the Syrians of a war. Oximen’s cutting amounts 80,000 of Syrian refugees and Jordan alone. Funds are doing during refugees’ key point end. Ox fans interviding up to 260 dollars per month to the poorest families, this life line which many parents choose to give children in school now became off. There’s a desperate need, the organization says, for foreign countries to provide more aid and be settlement options. There are now nearly 3 million refugees in the region and the UN predicts 1.5 million more will join them by the end of 2014 and numnble 1 quarter of the population. The Lebanese social affairs administer says the national infer structure rest collapse. I’m Semuce, NPR News, in birus.
The Supreme Court is temporarily exempting a Christian College from offering birth control coverage under the health care law. In a 63 decisions today, justices told the witern college that while ladication continues and it doesn’t have to compliance with the certification process,that notifies the government that it objects on religious grounds to providing country seption coverage. Withern says signing a form in fringes on a religious rights.
I’m Barage Berclin, NPR News in Washington.