英文摇滚歌曲:Lee dewyze - Princess Reprise(在线收听

Lee DeWyze是美国选秀节目《美国偶像》第九季的冠军。来自伊利诺伊州的Lee,被誉为本季黑马,早在参赛前,他便发行过2张唱片。而在《美国偶像》的比赛中,Lee凭借性感迷人的摇滚声线,腼腆讨喜的性格,以及优秀的对歌曲内涵的感知能力,每场表演都感染者在场的评委及观众,最终一路过关斩将,夺得头魁。


Song:Princess Reprise
Artist:Lee Dewyze

Do you remember sleeping on my floor?
Talking about how things were before

And who will save you now?
And who can show you how?
To love again

The poison of your kiss
The waterfall of words from your lips

And who will save you now?
And who can show you how?
To love again

I tried to forget you
And not let you down
But the hardwood on the floor has melted
And you’re wearing your crown

And who can save you now?
And who can show you how?
To love again
