访谈录 2014-06-04&06-06 凯特王妃性感私密照再曝光 王室震怒(在线收听

 Well this could be listed as bad behavior in terms of publishing we talk about it earlier today. Princess Kate at the center of a photo scandal this morning. A German tabloid posting a picture of her,exposed rearend. It's in this dress. But we are not gonna show you the actual photo here. Well, the snapshot was taken as a gust of wind blew up Kate's dress during her recent tour of Australia with Prince William in April. And the newly-posted pictures cause a major debate about privacy and whether publishers were going a step too far. I acutally this just falls right in line with what we were just talking about. This is an objectified woman, she didn't want people to see a gust of wind blow up. You know maybe she will learn from the Queen as she wears weighted-hems. She actually puts on weighted-hems to make sure that her dress does not ever fly up because there is always someone taking a picture of them.

That's what you always say. No, we are just sort of like, this is just so sad a fact. You've given me the best lesson in my life, George. I mean, it's just remarkable, you have to, she would have to, on a good will tour, be thinking about such thing. It's a shame.
yep, what would they do with Prince William. I can say that, not if he is wearing a coat. 
Maybe Prince Herry.