VOA慢速英语2014 美国埃博拉患者被释放,病毒已清除(在线收听


US Ebola Patients Released, Cleared of Virus 美国埃博拉患者被释放,病毒已清除

Two Americans who became sick with the deadly Ebola virus have been released from the hospital in Atlanta. Tests showed they were free of the disease.

Dr. Kent Brantly said “today is a miraculous day” as he was released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta after nearly three weeks of treatment.

Dr. Brantly and aid worker Nancy Writebol were treated with the experimental drug zMapp. They were infected with the disease in Liberia. The serum was developed from proteins inside tobacco plants.

Dr. Bruce Ribner is the medical director of Emory’s Infectious Disease Unit. He said, “to the extent that we’ve tested. There is no evidence of Ebola virus in their bodies.”

Their recovery is the first bit of good news in the fight against the deadly virus.

The World Health Organization says 1,350 people have died in West Africa, with 576 of the deaths coming from Liberia.

Islamic State group demanded $132 million for ransom

Global Post reports that the Islamic State militants had demanded $132 million for the release of American journalist James Foley before executing him.

Foley was a freelance journalist for the news outlet Global Post when he was taken. The news outlet gave the information to U.S. officials.  The United States has a policy of not paying ransom to kidnappers.

The U.S. Defense Department said on Wednesday that a rescue mission for Foley and other hostages earlier this summer had failed.

It’s official, Widodo won

After more than a month, Indonesia’s Constitutional Court has upheld the official election result.  The ruling allows Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo to become Indonesia’s next president.

Prabowo Subianto, a former army general, had challenged the presidential election result in July after Widodo received about 53 percent of the vote.

A new prime minister for Thailand

The army chief who forced out Thailand’s civilian government three months ago has been selected as the kingdom’s prime minister. General Prayuth Chan-ocha was the only candidate nominated for the job.
