英语听力入门 第一册 lesson 3(在线收听

UNIT 2 GOING TO SCHOOL Lesson 3 PartⅠ Warming-up Exercises

Lesson 3

Part  Warming-up Exercises

A Numbers

Directions:  This drill is for practice in identifying numbers. Listen carefully.  Draw a circle around the number you hear.

1 Mr. O' Brien is (53-63) years old.

2 Mr. Taylor lives at No.(65-55), Pond Street.

3 Tony's school is on(22nd-27th) Street.

4 The English class is on the (4th-1st) floor.

5Mr. Lee works(13-14)hours a day.

6They  have (7-11)  English  classes in  a week.

7Joana is (1st-4th) in the class.

8 There are (48-38) students in Tony's class.

9Their dorm number is (517-570).

10 Bill is (20-30) minutes late for the  class.

11 Miss  Martin  stays  in  a  hotel  on (6th-5th)  Avenue.

12 Her room number is  (1136-1146).

13Dr. William  N. Green's office is at (1616-1515) Jefferson Street.

14 Mr. James' telephone number is (1051-1091).

15 Our seats are in the (16th-15th) row


B Dictation

Directions: Listen carefully.  Repeat the sentence silently.Write the sentence.  Listen again, and check your answer.




Lesson 3 Part Ⅱ Where Is The English Class?

Part Where Is The English Class?


Cooose a, b, or c to complete each statement.

1 Paulo thinks the English class is

 a on the second floor.              b on the first floor.

 con the third floor.

2 Paulo thinks the room number is

 a 101.                                    b 201.                   c102.

3The English class is

 a on the third floor.                  b on the second floor.

 con the first floor.

4 The English class is

 ain Room 102.                         b in Room 101.

 cin  Room  201.

5 The students are

 ain English 3.                           bin English 13

 cin English 30.

Lesson 3 Part Ⅲ GoodLuc

Part      Good Luck


Write down the questions you hear on the tape. Then choose the correct answer to each question.


a He is a teacher.                   b He is a doctor.

cHe is a secretary.


a In Bonn.                            b In Marseilles.

c In London.


a She comes from France.

b She comes from Germany.

c She comes from Ireland.


aEnglish.                               bGerman.                 cFrench.


a He is a secretary.                bHe is a teacher.

c He is a doctor.
