step by step 第一册 lesson 8(在线收听

Lesson 8 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises

Part Warming-up Exercises

ASentence Structure

Directions: Listen carefully. You will hear a statement and a question following the statement. There is only one best answer to the question. Circle the letter beside your choice.

1aKim                                             2aPeggy.

 b Ben.                                        b In a high school.

 c Playing baseball.                       cWorks as a teacher.

3 a In September.                            4a At John's party.

 b Started school.                         b At Tom's party.

 c The boys.                                c Tom.

5a Next Sunday.                              6 a Some crackers.

 b Every Saturday.                        bIn a minute.

 c Every Sunday.                          c Dick.

7aHis book.                                     8aYesterday morning.

 b Henry.                                     b By bus.

 cOn the floor.                              cMy uncle.

9aMike.                                           10aOffice equipment.

 b Some cheese.                           bJack.

 cBecause he liked it.                     cAll over Europe.


B Difficult Sentences

Directions: You are going to hear some sentences chosen from the comprehension material in this lesson. Complete the sentences with what you hear on the tape.

1Excuse me, Ed. I'll fix some _____and crackers for us. I'll be back ____.

2I've got a job ____that sells office equipment ____you know the sort of thing.

Lesson 8 Part Ⅱ Ed Comes For Dinner

Part Ed Comes For Dinner


Ⅰ. Complete the dialogue with what you hear on the tape,

It's Friday evening and Mr. Nakamura (Ed) has been invited to the Norrises' for dinner. He approaches the house and rings the doorbell.

Dick: I'll answer it. That's Ed.

Hi, Ed. ____. Come in.

Peggy: Why, Ed. ____!It's nice to see  you again.

Dick: Come in. Sit down .____.

Ⅱ.Complete the answers according to the information you get from the conversation.

1What is Ben doing tonight? He is _____.

2What is Kim doing tonight? She is ____.

3What does Ed do in the International Institute of Health? He does ____.

4What does Peggy do? She teaches ____.

Lesson Part Ⅲ Old Friends Meet

Part    Old Friends Meet


Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape,

Michael was ____along the street the other day. Suddenly he_____ somebody shouting his name. He ____and ____round. A young man was____ after him.  It was Jack Evans. Michael and Jack____ to the same school and the same university. But they hadn't ____each other since then. They ____to have lunch together. They ____into the nearest restaurant and ____at the table by the window.

Ⅱ. Complete the answers according to the information you get from the tape.

1Did Michael stay in England after he left the university? No, he _________________________________________.

2What has Michael been doing since he came back? He has been ____old friends, ____his family, ____things for his new flat and just ____a holiday.

3What has Jack been doing? He has been ____all over Europe for the last two years. He is still ____and still ____.
