step by step 第一册 lesson 23(在线收听

UNIT 12 EATING AT THE RESTAURANT Lesson 23 Part Ⅰ Warming-up Exercises

Lesson 23

Part Warming-up Exercises

APhonetics: Rhyming

1awill                          bmeal                      c. well

2acake                        b check                   cquick

3asuit                          bshow                     cqueue

4abought                     bboard                     ccalled

5afourth                      b first                     c birth

6atry                           btrain                       ctray

7atime                         bfine                        ckind

8aveal                         bnail                        c   bill

9a fast                        bhost                       clost

10apeas                       bpolice                     ccase

11 a some                  b nine                     cnone

12a cash                     bfresh                      cfish

13asoup                      bshop                      csoap

14aship                       bcheap                     ctape

15astar                        bstare                      cstairs

16asport                      bstorm                     cstore

17areal                        btell                         crail

18atime                       bline                        clion

19acastle                     bPicasso                  calso

20atouch                     bcouch                    cchurch


BDifficult Sentences

1If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal, there is_____________________________________________

2 I'm sorry.   I thought that____________________________

had given you a menu.

3Is there any particular dish_____________________________ ?

Lesson 23 Part Ⅱ Self-Service

Part   Self-Service



1pick out the food

2sit and eat

3push the tray to the cashier

4queue at the counter

5pick up a tray, knife, fork etc.

6put the food on the tray

7take the tray to a table

8pay  the  bill

Major Steps in Getting Food

in a Self-Service Restaurant


Lesson 23 Part Ⅲ Mr. Miles Dines At A Restaurant

Part Mr. Miles Dines At A Restaurant




1.…gives Mr. Miles the menu.

a The waiter                           b The waitress

cThe  hostess

2There are dishes on the menu.

a only some la carte                 b only some regular

c many different

3Mr. Miles has

a some la carte dishes.             b a regular dinner.

c some chicken dishes.

4The regular dinner includes

aappetizer, soup and salad.        bdessert, tea or coffee.

c all of the above.

5The waiter recommends

athe roast beef.                        bthe salad.

cthe dessert.


aThe la carte dishes are on the left of the menu.

bMr. Miles has a dinner at a restaurant.

cWith the regular dinner one gets appetizer, soup, and so forth.

dThere are many different dishes listed on the menu.

