美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-07(在线收听

 1. A temporary cease fire declared by Israel slowed violence in the Gaza war Monday, with Hamas Rocket fire tapering off, and with Israel’s ground operations in Gaza winding down, the fighting appears to be easing. 

2. The Mayor of Toledo, Ohio has lifted a water ban that left 400,000 people scrambling. Toledo officials issued the water warning in Ohio’s 4th largest city early Saturday. People in north western Ohio and south eastern Michigan were told to avoid drinking tap water because of toxins contaminating the lake, possibly from algae. 
3. Hurricane Bertha has formed in the Atlantic off the US east coast, but isn’t expected to be a threat to land. The 2nd hurricane at the Atlantic season had maximum sustained winds near 80 miles an hour. It was forecasted to start weakening Tuesday.
4. The tower of London’s moat was turned to red by a sea of ceramic poppies Monday, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Wold War I. The art insulation features nearly 900,000 ceramic poppies, one for every British and commonwealth soldier who died during the conflict.