美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-08-14(在线收听

 1. Footage has emerged of Iraqi and Kurdish forces rescuing children who had fled into Sinjar Mountain to escape Islamic militants. Meantime, senior US officials say the Obama Administration has begun directly providing weapons to Kurdish forces battling Islamic militants in northern Iraq.

2. Trucks with aid arrived in Gaza Monday, as Israel and Hamas observed the 1st day of a 3-day ceasefire and negotiators agreed to resume talks in Cairo. 
3. The FBI is now investigating the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by police in suburban Saint Louise, a day after tensions of erupted in unrest following a candlelight vigil for the teen.
4. And a young contestant in the Kansas City Royals’ ‘Hotdog Derby’ suffered a wardrobe malfunction Sunday night, losing his pants and his footing earlier his race. He came in third behind Ketchup and Relish, but won over the crowd.