2013年ESL之就医和人际交往 13 Experiencing Motion Sickness(在线收听


Experiencing Motion Sickness 

Ashley: You don’t look so good. What’s wrong? 

Terrell: I felt motion sickness watching that movie. The camera jerked around and it made me dizzy. 

Ashley: It didn’t bother me. The hand-held camera used to film the movie had that effect on you? 

Terrell: I’m susceptible to motion sickness. You should see me on a boat. The rocking motion makes me seasick and nauseous. When I was a kid, I used to get carsick every time my family took a road trip. My parents always had a barf bag ready. 

Ashley: Wow, that sucks. 

Terrell: Yeah, and don’t even try to get me on an airplane. Just the starting of the engines makes me feel airsick and looking down gives me vertigo. 

Ashley: So how do you travel? 

Terrell: Very rarely and usually with one foot on the ground! 


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse 
