
 1.我想要报案 I want to report a crime。

2.你的姓名、地址、电话? What’s your name, address, and telephone number?
3.你要报什么案? What do you want to report?
盗匪Burglary     抢劫Robbery;店内偷窃Shoplifting;  勒索Blackmail;强奸Rape;扒手Pickpocket;被殴Assaulted;绑票Kidnap;    损毁Criminal Damage;非礼Indecent Assault4. 请描述歹徒相貌特征 Please describe the suspect。
身高Height;体重Weight;肤色Skin Colour;发色Hair Colour;性别Sex;衣着Dress;特征Significance5. 有没有看到歹徒用的车辆 Did you see suspect’s vehicle?
车型Model       制造车厂Make;车牌号码Plate Number6.何时发生?何地发生?When did it happen? Where did it happen?
7.有没有目击证人? Any witness?
8.损失了什么财物?What properties did you lose?