2014年ESL之日常生活 11 Proper Behavior at a Formal Event(在线收听


Proper Behavior at a Formal Event 

Rodney: Ha-ha! Did you hear what I said? Funny, right? 

Samantha: Behave yourself! This is a serious and solemn occasion, not a time for levity. 

Rodney: Loosen up. We have to endure two hours of this ceremony. 

Samantha: It’s indecent the way you’re behaving. Don’t you have any sense of decorum? 

Rodney: Lighten up. You’re such a stick-in-the- mud. There’s nothing unseemly about cracking a few jokes when everybody here is taking themselves too seriously. 

Samantha: Your problem is that you have no sense of dignity. Don’t you realize that your stupid jokes cheapen the occasion? You’re a disgrace. 

Rodney: Don’t get all huffy. All right, if you won’t join in, I’ll try to be serious. 

Samantha: That’s better. 

Rodney: I would seriously like a drink. Bartender! 

Samantha: [Groans] 


Script by Dr. Lucy Tse 
