美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-09-03(在线收听

 Israel is keeping a close watch on its border with Syria, after rebels captured a Syrian government border post. Forty-three UN peacekeepers are also attentive during fighting on the Syrian cites at Golan Heights. Another 81 peacekeepers are currently trapped in the area because of heavy fighting. 

The International Monetary Fund is standing firm in their support for embattled Managing Director Christine Lagarde. Lagarde is currently under a pending investigation for negligence during her time as finance minister of France. 
Comedian and late night person narrative Joan Rivers was rushed to a New York hospital in cardiac arrest this morning from a doctor's office. Firing Crews officials say they were called from an 81-year old having a heart attack. 
And talk about nobody-would haircut from the sea bush shore in Australia for the first time in the year. The coat weighed up to 62 pounds …, a single world record, a woolliest coat shed by a sheep in trap. 
Emily Roseland, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.