美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-09-19(在线收听

 The 13th anniversary of 9/11 was marked in New York at the White House, Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvinia. President Barack Obama said today "America stands tall and America stands proud."

Republicans and Democrats in Congress are voicing strong support for the president's call for new authority to fight Islamic State militants. That includes House Republicans who appear to be ready to support the president's request if somehow grudgingly.
A South Carolina man accused of killing his 5 children and dumping their bodies in Alabama was an ex-convict who went on a crime spree in Illinois. Timothy Jones was arrested on a cocaine possession charge in 2001, later that a year for a crime spree that included stealing a car, burglary and passing forged checks. He served 7 years in prison.
And Bai Yun the giant panda chews bamboo 12 hours a day. But she chipped a tooth. So dentists at the San Diego zoo repaired the tooth and also gave her a cleaning and x-rays.
I'm Matt Friedman, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.