
Text A


Exercise 1
Before reading the passage, think over the questions.

1. What is the significance of the year 1997 to both China and Hong Kong?
2. According to the Joint Declaration, how long will Hong Kong, as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, maintain its economic system and way of life?

Excerpts from
Speech by Margaret Thatcher

at the Signature Ceremony
of the Joint Declaration on
the Future of Hong Kong

1 This is an historic occasion. And I am particularly pleased to see that Chairman Deng Xiaoping is able to be present. The Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong, which we have just signed on behalf of our two Governments, is a landmark in the life of the territory; in the course of Anglo-Chinese relations; and in the history of international diplomacy. The Agreement establishes a firm basis for confidence in Hong Kong up to 1997 and beyond, and for its continued stability, prosperity and growth.
2 I remember with pleasure my last visit to China in September 1982 and my discussions with Chinese leaders. At my meeting with Chairman Deng Xiaoping on that occasion we agreed to open talks on the future of Hong Kong. Our common aim was to maintain the territory's stability and prosperity. It is in a spirit of pride and of optimism about the future that I now return to sign the agreement which is the result of those talks.
3 I think you will agree that the negotiations were not always easy. At certain points there were difficult decisions to be made on both sides. There were moments of tension. To overcome these difficulties we needed to draw on a shared fund of goodwill; on friendship; and on a common commitment to Hong Kong's future. This was what made success possible. I should like to pay tribute to the dedication of the two negotiating teams and all their supporting staff, under the guidance of Sir Geoffrey Howe and State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian. It is thanks to the imagination and resource which they showed that we can sign an agreement today.
4 The Agreement fully meets the political requirements of Britain and China, as well as the interests of the Hong Kong people. It provides the framework in which, as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong will maintain its economic system and way of life for 50 years after the first of July 1997. It gives Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy: Hong Kong people will administer Hong Kong and the Special Administrative Region will pass its own legislation. It allows Hong Kong to continue to decide its own economic, financial and trade policies and to participate as appropriate in international organisations and agreements. It preserves Hong Kong's familiar legal system and the rights and freedoms enjoyed there. In short it provides the assurances for the future which How Kong needs, in order to continue to play its unique role in the world as a trading and financial centre.
5 These qualities in the agreement have been recognized by the British Parliament and by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, which have approved the intention of our Governments to proceed to signature. The Agreement has been subject to a thorough public debate among those whose future it will determine -- the people of Hong Kong. Although they have expressed some reservations and sought clarification on particular points, they have clearly judged it acceptable to them as a whole. The Agreement has been widely praised by other Governments, in international organisations and in financial and economic circles. The Secretary General of the United Nations has described it as an example for other countries of the way in which difficult international problems can be successfully resolved. International goodwill and support will be vital for Hong Kong in the future, and I have no doubt that it will be forthcoming.
6 I should like to pay a tribute to the leaders of China for the vision and farsightedness of their approach to the negotiations. The concept of "one country, two systems" -- preserving two different political, social and economic systems within one nation has no precedent. It offers an imaginative response to the special historical circumstances of Hong Kong. The concept is an example of how apparently intractable problems can, and should be resolved.
7 The Agreement is a basis on which the people of Hong Kong will build. They will bring to the task the energy, persistence and determination for which they are rightly famous throughout the world. I am confident that they will make Hong Kong an even more flourishing place than it is today.
8 Britain and China share a continuing responsibility to maintain the conditions within which the people of Hong Kong can realise this goal. We have laid the foundation in this solemn international agreement. We have created, in the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, a forum for cooperation over its implementation. We have demonstrated the strength of our commitment to it today by the signatures that you, Mr Premier, and I have set upon it. I am heartened by the assurance which your Government has repeatedly given that arrangements for Hong Kong contained in the Agreement are not measures of expediency. They are long-term policies, which will be incorporated in the Basic Law for Hong Kong and preserved intact for 50 years from 1997.

New Words

n. 1. the act of signing one's name 签字
2. a person's name written by himself 签名

n. 仪式

a. shared by two or more people 联合的,共同的

n. 利益,支持

n. something that marks an important point or change 里程碑

n. 1. 地区
2. 领土,领地

(comb. form) 1. British or English and 英国和…的
2. British 英国的

n. the art and practice of establishing and continuing relations between nations 外交
n. 1. an arrangement or promise of action, as made between people, businesses or countries 协议,协定
2. the state of having the same opinion, feeling or purpose 同意,一致

n. 稳定,稳固

n. (the state of having) good fortune and success 繁荣

n. 1. the belief that the best thing will happen 乐观
2. 乐观主义

n. 谈判,洽谈

n. a responsibility 承担的义务

n. something done, said or given to show respect or admiration 称赞

n. 献身,献身精神

a. 谈判(的)

n. the act of guiding 指导,领导

n. a member of a council 议会议员

n. 1. a plan or system 体系,结构
2. 框架,骨架

a. of or concerning the control and direction of affairs 行政的,管理的

n. the condition of self-government 自治权,自主权

v. to control 管理,处理事务

v. to take part or have a share in an activity or event 参与,参加

v. to cause to last; keep unchanged 保留,保存

n. 1. a promise 保证
2. confident belief in one's own ability and powers 信心

n. 1.(由上议院与下议院组成的)英国议会,议会两院
2. 议会,国会

n. 1. 代表大会 2. 立法机关,议会,国会

v. 1. to carry on an activity 进而做,开始做,进行
2. to go on 继续进行

n. 1. a private doubt in one's mind 保留意见
2. booking (旅馆房间、剧院座位等的)预订

n. 阐明,澄清

a. happening or appearing in the near future 即将到来的

n. 远见

n. 先例,前例

a. good at producing new ideas 富于想象力的

a. belonging to history 历史上的

a. 棘手的,难对付的

n. 坚持不懈

n. 1. 坚定,果断
2. firm intention 决心

a. 1. 正式确定的
2. done, made, etc. seriously 庄严的,庄重的

(comb. form) Chinese and 中国和…的

n. a working connection 联系,联络

forumn. any place where public matters may be talked over and argued about 论坛,讨论会

n. 贯彻(执行),实施

n. the head of the government in certain countries 总理,首相

v. to encourage 振作,激励

ad. over and over again 一再,再三

n. suitability or usefulness for a purpose, though not necessary fair or moral 权宜之计

a. united in one body or group 合成一体的

a. whole because no part has been touched or spoiled 完整无缺的,未受损伤的

Phrases and Expressions

on behalf of

in the course of

draw on/upon

pay tribute to

under the guidance of

thanks to

participate in

in short

Proper Names

Margaret Thatcher

Geoffrey Howe

State Councillor

Foreign Minister

Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国特别行政区
the British Parliament

the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China

the Secretary General of the United Nations

Text B


Exercise 1
Before reading the passage, try to answer the questions.

1. When was the full diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. established?
2. What were the difficulties in establishing Sino-American diplomatic relations?

Now read the passage and check your answers.

Excerpts from Speech by Carter
at Welcoming Banquet (29 June, 1987)

1 Permit me first to thank our Chinese hosts for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful. In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the Long March. We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world.
2 More than eight years have passed since Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two great nations. Our hope and vision was to forge a Sino-American relationship which would contribute to world peace and the welfare of our two peoples. I personally looked upon the forging of firm Sino-American ties as a historically significant experiment.
3 We faced the question in 1978, as to some extent we still to today: Can two nations as different as ours -- yours one of the oldest civilizations on earth, mine one of the youngest; yours a socialist state and mine committed to capitalism; yours a developing country and mine a developed one -- can two nations surmount and indeed draw upon these differences to build an unprecedented and distinctive relationship in world affairs? If we are successful, in one great step our two nations will have been able to ease one of the greatest sources of tension in international affairs: that between the developing and developed worlds. We still have a long way to go, and it is still too early to conclude that our experiment will culminate in success, but certainly the results of the first ten years are promising. Sino-American ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, education, scientific exchange, and our separate national security policies.
4 I am most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in our country -- now about 18 000. I teach some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange. At the same time we are learning valuable lessons from you. Nonetheless, problems remain in our economic, educational and strategic relations
5 As a private American citizen I recognize that many of the burdens and opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-governmental sectors of our two societies: to individuals, our corporations, universities, research institutes, foundations, and so on. There is no doubt that Sino-American relations have reached a new stage. In this context, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit.
6 In that regard, I am delighted that Global 2000 --BCCI is launching two projects in the area of public health. Although ours is relatively quite small, such activities, when combined with our common foreign policy interests and a growing commercial relationship, should help to remove the lingering fragility in Sino-American relations

New Words

n. a man who receives guests 主人,东道主

n. friendly welcoming and entertainment of guests 友好款待

a. feeling or showing thanks to another person 感激的,表示感谢的

v. to gain by one's own work, skill or one's own efforts (尤指通过努力)取得,获得

n. 1. the condition of being different 差异
2. the variety 多样性

n. (of a person or a thing) power energy活力,推动力,干劲

n. a change for the better; improvement in a society (社会,政治等的)改革

n. a person who is next in rank to 任副职者,代理人

v. 1. to promise (esp. oneself) to a certain course, position, opinion, or course of action 使表态(作出保证,承担义务)
2. to do (something wrong) 犯(罪),干(坏事)

n. 资本主义(制度)
v. to conquer (esp. difficulties) 克服,越过

a. never having happened before 空前的,前所未闻的

v. to become less troublesome or difficult 解除,使缓和

v. to reach the highest point, degree, or development 达到高潮,告终

a. covering a large surface 广泛的

ad. nevertheless 不过

n. something difficult to bear 负担,重负

n. a part of a field of activity, esp. of business, trade, etc. 部分

n. a period or part in a course of action or events 阶段,时期

n. the general conditions in which an event, action, etc. takes place 背景,环境

a. of or concerning the whole earth 全世界的,全球性的

v. to (cause to) come together, unite, act together, or join together 使结合

a. slow to end or disappear 拖延的

n. 脆弱,脆性

Phrases and Expressions

look upon...as

to some extent

(be) committed to

be proud of

culminate in

(be) combined with

Proper Names


国际商业信贷银行(Bank of Credit and Commerce International)
