美国文化脱口秀 第176期:雅思神父来啦!(在线收听


1. IELTS test prep 雅思应试备考2. study abroad 出国留学3. intensive program 强化课程4. bootcamp 魔鬼训练营5. golden period 最佳时段6. sustainable 持续性的7. tactics 战略8. fund 基金9. New East Cuisine School 新东方厨师学校10. New Oriental 新东方(教英语的)11. sophisticated 成熟的12. last minute 临时抱佛脚13. Make it or break it. 不成功便成仁。
14. keep up with the Joneses 从众15. With the development of the society, we realize... Some people think...others believe... Something is a double-edged sword...
随着社会的不断发展,人们意识到...有些人认为...另一些认为...某样东西是一把双刃剑16. Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有正反面。
17. loophole 漏洞18. advantage 优势 disadvantage 劣势19. pros 优点20. beneficial 有利的21. You're well-built. 你身材真好。
22. from every angle/perspective 从多角度