艾伦脱口秀48 最性感的男人受到的奇葩回应(在线收听

 We are just so happy to have the Sexiest Man Alive here. That's our....

很荣幸请到最性感男士前来做客,欢迎我们的……You are cool and you're confident and you're seductive.All three of those things.
(Adam: So true)(亚当:太符合我了)And I agree with them.I know you and I agree with all three of those things.
(Adam:Seductive.)Yeah, yeah(亚当:性感。)是的,没错!
How do you,how do you,do you feel different?Do you feel an obligation to act differently?
(Adam:An obligation to be sexier in general?) Yep.
(Adam: Yeah, actually, I take it very seriously.) Good!
(亚当:当然,我很认真对待这件事的。) 很好!
(Adam: No, actually, not at all.)(亚当:没啦,一点也没有。)(Adam: It's funny, it's really...It's kind of funny, right?)(亚当:其实还挺有趣的,真的…真的挺有意思的,是吧?)(Adam: It's amazing,you don't ever think that's gonna happen.)(亚当:很不可思议,从没想过会被选为最性感男士。)(Adam: and then it does, and it's really trippy.)(亚当:但就是选上了,感觉有些不真实。)Now, what's the weirdest reaction you've had so far.From who?
(Adam: Had some weired ones.)(亚当:是有些奇怪的反应。)(Adam: My fiance burst into laughter.Keeping me humble as uasal.My mother said that,She asked me very sweetly that if that makes her the Sexiest Mom Alive.Which is really cute and also kind of weird.)(亚当:我未婚妻放生大笑。她一向不让我骄傲啊!我妈说,她很萌的问我,这样她是不是成了现今最性感老妈。真是个又萌又怪异的问题。)Yes, it does.
(Adam: And I said, I guess so.)(亚当:我说,有可能哦!)(Adam: And my father just said,"You're welcome,son",It's true.)(亚当:我老爸直接说了句:“儿子,不用感谢我。”事情就是这样。)Well,you gotta give them credit.They did something real good.
(Adam:They made me.)(亚当:我是他们生的嘛。)Yeah, they made you,and they did a really good job.
(Adam:Oh, they're taking credit for it now.)(亚当:哈!他们现在就因此受表彰了啊。)