音乐咖啡厅:Josh Groban - You're Still You(在线收听

2001年11月20日,20岁的Josh发行了他的首张同名专辑,制作人为金牌制作David Foster。当时发行首周,因为Josh初出茅庐,名气不大,宣传又不多,所以这张专辑刚开始未引起足够的重视,勉强排在了Billboard200的第127位。


Song:You're Still You
Artist:Josh Groban

Through the darkness
I can see you're light
And you will always shine
And I can feel your heart in mine
Your face I've memorized
I idolize just you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
I've loved you for so long
And after all is said and done
You're still you
After all
You're still you
You walk past me
I can feel your pain
Time changes everything
But one truth always stays the same
You're still you
After all
You're still you
I look up to
Everything you are
In my eyes you do no wrong
And I beleive in you
Although you never asked me to
I will remeber you
And what life put you through
And in this cruel and lonely world
I found one love
You're still you
After all
You're still you
