
Thank you. Chances are if you've surfed the web you've used the search engines Google and Yahoo. But, here is something you might not know. Behind every search is a fierce battle for advertising dollars and so far, Google is winning the war. More now from CNBC's Carl Quintanilla:

It's become a research ritual, find something, anything you are interested in and google it. Enough of the habit for millions of web users that other Internet icons are now getting hurt. This week, Yahoo, one of the web's original poster children, said competition from Google is affecting its ability to make money. And experts like David Vise, co-author of a new book on Google, say the company is the biggest breakthrough in media since the printing press.

It's very rare, that ur, we have a, something happen in our lifetime and we know at that very moment that it s history. You go anywhere in the world today and people are googling.

Google and Yahoo make money from those ads you see every time you do a search. The industry s estimated to hit 12 billion dollars by the year 2010. But so far no other sites can catch Google or its high-flying stock, which approached 500 dollars a share recently, making celebrities out of the two Stanford University dropouts, who founded Google just eight years ago.

We are on a quest to build a better search engine.

But some say the enthusiasm is overdone that Google is not invincible, noting its stock fell this week when other tech/companies posted bad news.

It's gonna be interesting to see whether Google will blow the doors off. They were, its estimate , like it did last quarter, or whether it too is going to disappoint investors like its competitors did.

Both Google and Yahoo are now branching into other areas like cell phones, letting users conduct searches even access E-mail and photos.

Which means the battle of the Internet titans is far from over, and being fought with every click you make.

For Today, Carl Quintanilla, NBC News, New York.
