美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-16(在线收听

 1. The CDC is urging the nation’s hospitals to think Ebola after a nurse was tested positive for the virus. The nurse contracted the virus after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan, the 1st diagnosed Ebola patient in the US. Hospital workers at Texas Health Presbyterian are being closely monitored as well.

2. Sentencing arguments begin in South Africa for the Oscar Pistorius trial. A psychologist testified that Pistorius is a broken man after killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The former Paralympian faces up to 15 years in prison.
3. In a surprised shift, Catholic officials met at the Vatican to discuss family issue, and now say gay should be accepted in the faith. Bishops noted gay partnerships had merit and added that civil weddings and cohabitation should be accepted as well.
4. And French economist Jean Tirole won the Nobel Prize for economics. His research on market regulation that has helped policymakers understand how to deal with industries dominated by a few companies, earned him the 1.1 million dollar prize.