美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-10-17(在线收听

 The Texas health department says a second health care worker at Texas Health Presbyterian hospital has tested positive for the Ebola virus. Meanwhile, a national nurses' union said nurses who were treating an Ebola patient at the hospital worked for days without proper protective gear and faced constantly changing protocols.

Police battled pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong in the worst violence since street dmonstration began there more than 2 weeks ago.
The parents of Reeve Steenkamp say they will not pursue a civil claim against Oscar Pistorius for the killing of their daughter last year. The couple said they will also return payments of 550 dollars per month that Pistorius gave them starting in March, 2013.
The Kansas City Royals are one win away from their first World Series trip in 29 years with the win over Baltimore Orioles 2-1 in game 3 of their American League championship series. And the San Francisco Giants have taken a 2-1 lead in their series with the win over the St.Louis Cardinals 5-4.
Ned Barker, The Associated Press with AP News Minute.