经济学人213:资不抵债 愈发艰难(在线收听


  Going under
  A lot of people are still going bankrupt
  GOVERNMENT ministers took a break from wooing the Scots on September 17th to crow over Britain’s strengthening job market. Unemployment now stands at just 6.2%—down from a peak of 8.4% in late 2011, and not much higher than the 5% rates that were normal before the financial crisis. Another economic indicator, however, doesn’t look so good.
  In 2000 the insolvency rate in Britain was just 7.4 per 100,000 adults. That shot up to 32.4 in 2010 before falling for the past four years. But it ticked up again in the second quarter of 2014, to 22.8 per 100,000. “The dip has really bottomed out,” says R3, the insolvency trade body.
  One reason for the rise in insolvencies after 2000 was that it became easier to file for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement, which allows debtors to pay money back over a period of time. Then, in 2009, the government created the Debt Relief Order—sometimes called “bankruptcy lite”—for people with a maximum debt of 15,000. Other possible explanations for the rise over the years include a spendthrift attitude among the growing number of people unable to get on the housing ladder and the growth of student loans, which have normalised the idea of debt, suggests Andrew Tate of R3.
  2000年之后破产率上升,其原因之一在于,申请债务重组变得更容易了。债务重组允许债务人在一段时间内将债务归还。之后,2009年,英国政府为债务上限为1.5万英镑的人建立了债务减轻命令(DRO)—有时也称“快捷破产”。近几年破产率上升,可能还有另一些原因,其中包括:买不起首套房的人越来越多,他们花钱挥霍无度;还有学生债务的增长, R3的安德鲁·塔特称学生债务使债务的意义变得正常化。
  Young women are more likely to go bust than are young men. Louise Brittain of Wilkins Kennedy, an accountancy firm, says many more women are taking risks as entrepreneurs these days, so more are ending up in trouble. But only a quarter of all personal bankruptcies in the first quarter of this year were of self-employed people. The biggest problem for both men and women is credit-card bingeing, she says.
  Mr Tate worries most about the growth of debt management plans. These often involve cold-calling people in debt and offering to negotiate with creditors for a fee. A recent R3 survey found that 4% of British adults—about 2m people—are in some kind of DMP. Since only about 250,000 are formally insolvent, the problem might be bigger than it appears. Some debtors cannot afford the 705 fee to apply for bankruptcy. Others have debts too high to apply for a DRO. R3 suggests raising the debt maximum for DROs to 30,000 and letting the fee be paid in instalments.
  Such moves may help, but a bigger problem looms. If interest rates were to rise to the sort of levels normal before the financial crisis, many homeowners could not absorb them, says Ms Brittain.