
Man Anchor: They say it's an effort to cut down on unwanted sexual advances and possibly prevent a rape, but the code of conduct at one college is so broad it does not distinguish between a spontaneous hug and forced sex. Why is that? Rudi Bakhtiar reports, you decide.

Rudi Bakhtiar: There is a different kind of battle brewing at Gettysburg. Gettysburg College is coming under fire by FIRE, an organization that monitors individual rights on college campuses. At issue, this private school's sexual misconduct policy.

Greg Lukianoff: That makes really no distinction between a forcible sexual assault and a hug that you didn't ask for.

Rudi Bakhtiar: The policy describes physical contact of a lewd type such as brushing, touching, grabbing, pinching, patting, hugging and kissing as examples of sexual misconduct. Furthermore, it requires verbal consent as in stating 'yes' before engaging in any sexual activity.

Timothy Stanton: That's what's misinterpreted a lot, where some guys'll feel as though they have consent whereas in actuality they don't.

John Gilfillan: Sometimes it'd be hard to get / consent for such small things, er, such as hugging and like patting.

Rudi Bakhtiar: Colleges all over America have implemented codes of conduct for the protection of the students. According to the Justice Department, just under 3% of all college women become victims of rape, either completed or attempted in a given 9-month academic year.

Rudi Bakhtiar: At first glance that risk might seem low, but take that percentage and project it over a typical 5-year college career, and it translates to 1 out of every 5 women.

Rudi Bakhtiar: Gettysburg administrators refused to appear on camera, but told us they stand by the policy. Many students do too.

Girl Student: I don't have to worry about actually being raped before I can say this is sexual harassment.

Rudi Bakhtiar: FIRE says the policy as it's written now makes normal affectionate behavior a crime and risks victimizing innocent students. They're prepared to keep up the fight for a rewrite.

Rudi Bakhtiar: In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Rudi Bakhtiar, Fox (Report).
