CNN 美国有线新闻 2014-10-11(在线收听


containing the ebola virus there's an international scramble to do it and update from US leads off this tuesday of last night, thomas D ,the first person diagnosed in the US with ebola was at Taxes Hospital in critical condition. 
the state's governor xxxxx wants federal government to enhance its screening of travelers anywhere they might enter the US.
governor xxxx want        , temperature's taken if the ebola exposure is suspected.
it's unlikely that would stop thomas from entering america though, because his symptons reportly didn't start until after he'd arrived.
and a survey of american nurses released last week, most said that their hospitals were not prepared for ebola patients.
xxxx found facility necessity is.
the first on defense if there is an ebola outbreak in the United States will be the nation's hospitals.
so, do they have a plan? at this one, they do.
the patients were most likely to come into the emergency room.
and what this hospital of L.A.counting US hospital, here in L.A. what they put into place, is essentially an action plan.
the patient walks into the emergency room. you always check in.
one of the first thing they ask if you look like a patient has fever, sweating, asnaucios, maybe even vomiting,did you travel to west africa?
there are signs, all of the hospitals saying, that you traveled to west africa in the last three weeks, you need to check if you have ebola.
so, back kick the action plan into place.
they'd transport that person to an isolation room and it's exactly like what it sounds.
you don't have contact with anyone except people who are prepared to deal with the patient who has ebola.
so what a worker do before walking into the isolation room to deal with the potential ebola case?
they have to cover themselves from head to toe. they wore a musk, they covered their eyes, they wear a gown that is water impermiable so that no flus can affects that hospital worker.they cover their feet and they cover their hands and before they doing xxxxx they wash their hands for 15 seconds.
once they are in an isolation room they have to mark when they enter, they also mark when they leave.
that is the case for anyone who walks into that isolation room.
they follow CDC guidelines, if the patient is very sick, they double glove, they double gown, they basically isolate everyone who comes in, who is a suspected ebola case.
has it happened yet in Carlifornia? no. do they expect that it might? possibly.
and they say would case in  , this hospital has to be prepared.