CNN 美国有线新闻 2014-10-17(在线收听

 Mandison Copper worked in podcast all the latest Ebola case here in Dallas and new protocals have been put into place by the CDC. There are more breaking news from the head of CDC who would gona to talk on this program shortly ,who said it's putting together response team to be able to handle any new confirmed cases at any hospital in the country. She said team like that might have prevented a nurse here in Dallas from contracting the desease. Now I spoke to CDC director just short time ago, as I said, here bring you that interview the moment the first latest from a senior medical correspondent, Elizabeth Cow who was also here with me in Dallas.

What is the latest on nearest found conditions? 
She was upgraded from stable to good, so that's wonderful, as I really speak to Andison, to, when you get quick treatment for Ebola, it really help. She was hospitalized within 90 minutes of feeling sick, within two days she got blood transfusion from Dr. Cam Brantllie, that's all terrific.
And that's really critical. We know that for long time from that patient have been retreated, we heard from doctors and reporters said along, if you get the patients earlier that's critical. 
Absolutely. That's really in critical. Now I'm fortunately with not case with Thomas Eric Duncan and he passed away. 
Do you know for fact that this blood transfusion that she's got from Dr Brantllie, that is what contribute to her doing well or we can say for sure?
We can say for sure because no one's done clinical trials or studies on this blood transfusions. But the World Health Organization does, you know, tells hospitals that they can do this and instruct them how to do it. Doctors, I've talked to, very confident, that works we can really know for sure.
And doctors raies have done for other two patients before in a family.  * actually made a statement to the hospital.
She did, she made this statment. She said "I'm doing well and want to thank everyone for their wishes and prayers. I'm blessed by the support from family and friends and blessed to be careful by the best in doctors and nurses in the world, here Texas Health Veterian Hospital in Dallas."
Elizabeth and I really appriciate. Thank you very much. There's a lot to get to in this hour's mention. CDC director Tom Friden said today he wished that there's a Ebola response team on the ground the date Thomas Eric Duncan was diagnosed but there will be a team like that from now on as soon as a patient being diagnose as testing postive if there are any more cases in the United States,we have a lot discuss with the director a short time ago. Here's that interview.
Dr.P, we learned that * contracted Ebola. If we said it was because of a bridge protocal. Do you know right now exactly how she was infected? 
We're not sure how she was infected where intensively looking at, we are not waiting for the results of investigation. We are immediately changing any procedure that we think it would improve to increase safety of those carrying for her.