
Shaquille O'Neal promised a championship when he arrived in Miami 2 years ago, but it was Dwyane Wade who delivered on that promise. The finals MVP hit for 35 or more points in four straight games, the most prolific performance in the finals since a guy named Michael Jordan, 13 years ago.

He was kinda like my second father, because the guy that I watched and felt like I was a part of, you know, Michael Jordan, er, so took comparison as this, it's flattering, but at the same time I always wanna steer away from him, because there will never be another Jordan.

I know that being on a ,on a championship-caliber team, you know, you gotta have a great one to punch and, you know, Dwyane is a, you know, fabulous player.

A lot of people see it a good two-guard and always compare him to Michael Jordan, Michael Jordan's in the class by itself, but Dwyane Wade is in the class by himself.

He's just took it to another level, you all witnessed it, you all watched it, er, you know, players like that are very hard to come by and to watch them grow right in front of you er, you know , he's making, he's making his, his legacy in his third year, so and we are so blessed to have him.

It's the first title for the Heat and nearly all of its players, including Alonzo Mourning and Gary Payton, who have played a combined to 29 NBA seasons, and the coach Pat Riley, his fifth championship as a coach, seventh of his NBA career and in his words "the most special one of all."

Larry Smith, CNN Dallas
