
Three people were arrested in Georgia Wednesday and charged by federal prosecutors with stealing trade secrets from Coke and trying to sell them to Pepsi. The suspects include an executive administrative assistant at the Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Company. The worker is accused of pilfering corporate files as well as stuffing documents and a new Coca-Cola product into a personal bag.

Some of this information is as important to its, its holders, um, in this case, the Coca-Cola Company, as classified information is to the government, or other kinds of confidential information are to other people. This, this information by definition in the statute is worth a great deal of, of money, er, independent of, er, of anything else.

Prosecutors say Pepsi officials alerted Coke to the attempted scam. Coke then contacted the FBI. The suspects have been charged with wire fraud and unlawfully stealing and selling Coke trade secrets. They are expected in court Thursday.

Mike Grocia, the Associated Press.
prosecutor:a lawyer whose job is to prove in court that someone accused of a crime is guilty 检举人
pilfer :to steal things,especially from the place where you work (从工作的地方)偷窃
classified information :机密情报
scam:informal a dishonest plan,especially for getting money 诡计
FBI:the Federal Bureau of Investigation.A U.S. government department that deals with serious crimes that affect more than one state(美国)联邦调查局
wire fraud :Fraud committed by means of electronic communication, as by telephone or modem 通过电子通讯设备的犯罪
